SF M6 options

Steve in SoCal

Sep 28, 2009
I love my new M6 and thanks to CPF for all of the resources. After trying to read as many threads as possible to learn the basics I have been having fun with the following 7 setup combinations (all with AW softstart). What else am I missing that would give me some additional output or just add some cool alternatives?All suggestions and ideas are welcomed. I guess 2000+ bulb lumens would be cool.

  1. MN15 on primaries (ok as an xlola for primaries)
  2. MN20 on primaries (ok)
  3. HO-M6R on 3 x17670 w/FM holder (nice white output and good runtime)
  4. MN21 on primaries (good output but not as impressive as expected)
  5. MN21 on AW IMR 2x18650s in Mdocod holder (very nice but short runtime and dangerous since potential:poof:. I may switch over to the new AW protected 18650s to extend runtime and minimize risk of :poof:.)
  6. IMR-M6 on 3x17670 w/FM holder (very nice output. Would be brighter on IMRs)
  7. WA 1185 on 3x1760 w/FM bipin holder. (very nice output although would be better on IMRs and/or if I took the time to figure out how to focus the beam).

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I love the HO-M3T on 2x18650's :twothumbs

Very similar to the MN20, but guilt free :D

I may have to add that one to my collection as well. I actually have an EO-M3T that I use with 2x17670s on my M4 body. I haven't tested it with my 2x18650 setup on the M6 yet. Seems like folks do like the throw of the HO-M3T vs. EO-M3T slightly better from what I hear.
WA 01111-U + AW 2x18650s in Mdocod holder - I use this a lot, nice beam.

I would like to get the WA1111 as well but it took 6 weeks to get my 1185's from Litho so I have been holding off pulling the trigger on another order.

I also haven't experimented with adding washers to the FM bi-pin holder yet. I guess you just stick the allen wrench down the central opening and turn to dissamble?:shrug:
I would like to get the WA1111 as well but it took 6 weeks to get my 1185's from Litho so I have been holding off pulling the trigger on another order.

I also haven't experimented with adding washers to the FM bi-pin holder yet. I guess you just stick the allen wrench down the central opening and turn to dissamble?:shrug:

Have you tried bulbconnection.com? Price may be a bit higher but got a bunch of 1111s and 1185s in a couple of days.

I guess 2000+ bulb lumens would be cool.

  1. MN15 on primaries (ok as an xlola for primaries)
  2. MN20 on primaries (ok)
  3. HO-M6R on 3 x17670 w/FM holder (nice white output and good runtime)
  4. MN21 on primaries (good output but not as impressive as expected)
  5. MN21 on AW IMR 2x18650s in Mdocod holder (very nice but short runtime and dangerous since potential:poof:. I may switch over to the new AW protected 18650s to extend runtime and minimize risk of :poof:.)
  6. IMR-M6 on 3x17670 w/FM holder (very nice output. Would be brighter on IMRs)
  7. WA 1185 on 3x1760 w/FM bipin holder. (very nice output although would be better on IMRs and/or if I took the time to figure out how to focus the beam).

It's been discussed many times before - but FM1909 w/ 3xIMR18650 would get you over the 2000 lum OTF range. Of course so would a Polarion PH40. That range in an M6 is really for show only.

I think your sweetspot bulbs are the HO-M6R on 17670, the IMR-M6 on 6xIMR16340 for bright an guilt free lumens.

I need to try a MN15 myself on primaries like that and see how it performs. At 1.15A that could be be a 2hr+ bulb on primaries. Up to 4-5 hours with a softstart multi-level.
WA 01111-U + AW 2x18650s in Mdocod holder - I use this a lot, nice beam.

I think this one is my favorite too. I can't say I have tried every option, but this one works for me. Good color temperature, only two batteries to charge (instead of 3 or 6!), about 30 minute runtime, decent bulb life (especially with the soft start), and easy to switch out with the stock lamps and the MN15. It won't be as bright as the 1185, but maybe that doesn't matter to you.
I may have to add that one to my collection as well. I actually have an EO-M3T that I use with 2x17670s on my M4 body. I haven't tested it with my 2x18650 setup on the M6 yet. Seems like folks do like the throw of the HO-M3T vs. EO-M3T slightly better from what I hear.

Don't have an M4 :(
I might consider EO-M3T and 2x17500s in my M3T...or an HO-M3 with 2x17500 with an M3 head
The FM bi-pin holder with 1185 lamps you need to raise up the 1185 about 1/8" from the bi-pin holder to focus the 1185 to have a tighter spot.
I would like to get the WA1111 as well but it took 6 weeks to get my 1185's from Litho so I have been holding off pulling the trigger on another order.

I also haven't experimented with adding washers to the FM bi-pin holder yet. I guess you just stick the allen wrench down the central opening and turn to dissamble?:shrug:
My favorite set-up:

Lumens Factory HO-M6R w/ mdocod 3x17670 holder.

That's my favorite setup as well. Seems to be the best balance between runtime, ouput, bulb life, and throw. I've never used FMs 3x17670 but am partial to my own variation for obvious reasons, lol..

My next favorite is probably the HO-M3T on the 2x18650s.

Have you tried bulbconnection.com? Price may be a bit higher but got a bunch of 1111s and 1185s in a couple of days.
Thats a good idea since I value expediency vs. saving a few bucks. Seems like folks really love the 1111 so that is top of my list now for 2x IMR 18650. I will no longer be running my MN21 on my 18650 IMRs based on your experiences and the comments on the other thread.

It's been discussed many times before - but FM1909 w/ 3xIMR18650 would get you over the 2000 lum OTF range. Of course so would a Polarion PH40. That range in an M6 is really for show only.

With 3 x 18650 it would be a megalennium and that is a different animal (although maybe FM will fire up another batch though :hitit:). Unfortunately, it seems that IMR 17670s, if they existed, would be a robust way to support the big dog 12v bulbs in a M6 body. I guess 6x IMR 16430 would work, but how well I'm not sure. How many of the monster bulbs fit in a Turbohead anyway? Any thoughts anyone?

I think your sweetspot bulbs are the HO-M6R on 17670, the IMR-M6 on 6xIMR16340 for bright an guilt free lumens.

I agree, the HO-M6R is a really cool setup with nice output and good runtime.
Thats a good idea since I value expediency vs. saving a few bucks. Seems like folks really love the 1111 so that is top of my list now for 2x IMR 18650. I will no longer be running my MN21 on my 18650 IMRs based on your experiences and the comments on the other thread.

With 3 x 18650 it would be a megalennium and that is a different animal (although maybe FM will fire up another batch though :hitit:). Unfortunately, it seems that IMR 17670s, if they existed, would be a robust way to support the big dog 12v bulbs in a M6 body. I guess 6x IMR 16430 would work, but how well I'm not sure. How many of the monster bulbs fit in a Turbohead anyway? Any thoughts anyone?

I agree, the HO-M6R is a really cool setup with nice output and good runtime.

I have the Megalennium right now and a M6 on the way. I've done the 3xIMR18650 and the 1909 is powerful for about 10 minutes but then diminishes.

The IMR16340s are rated to 8C. On a 3S2P setup in the M6 that's 8A @ ~1.1Ah. The HO-M6R would be a theoretical 30 minutes and the IMR-M6 a 20 minutes run on full. Those IMR16340s are small but they pack a real punch.
as you seem to have a Fivemega MN-adapter already, I have another suggestion for a bulb: the WA1166. This one is:
11.6V 1.97A 20 hrs(!) and quite some Lumens.

Works perfectly with 3X AW 17670. One of my favorite setups!

Compared to a WA1185 a little less impressive, but still kicks some *** :green:
Far better for the batteries. They are happy with a load of less than 2 Amps, and loaded just till the edge with a WA1185!

i know this is the incan subforum, but there is the Lumensfactory Seraph P7 head too. it will run longer than the incan options, off 2 or 3 Lions.
and its no slouch in the performance department either, although it doesnt throw quite as well as the incan options, it is more of a "wall of light" that will just flood an area with cool white Led derived Lumens (as opposed to a nice warm friendly light derived from torturing a bit of tungsten in a pressurised glass tube)
The P7 head is what I would suggest that all M6 owners drop in their backup bag... When the situation turns from fun to ugly and you need more runtime you make the swap. Also, it can serve as the "spare bulb" that can't burn out. I'd rather carry it than a spare bulb if space/weight wasn't a major concern, (like in the vehicle).
The P7 head is what I would suggest that all M6 owners drop in their backup bag... When the situation turns from fun to ugly and you need more runtime you make the swap. Also, it can serve as the "spare bulb" that can't burn out. I'd rather carry it than a spare bulb if space/weight wasn't a major concern, (like in the vehicle).

You did a great review of the LF P7 head and it is definitely on my list to buy and would be a great option to run on my M6 or M4 bodies. It is a bit fugly though.
So much for all the practical options.:devil:..has anyone run the FiveMega CL1909 or Hikari JC5067 in their M6 with 6 x IMR 16340s in the stock holder? These would appear to be the highest output options without getting a Megalennium body (which I would buy if available). I'm not sure how much volts under load this battery setup will put out but I hope it would produce about 1700-2500 bulb lumen of fun.. As a disclaimer, FM has stated that the Hikari bulbs he tested had a high degree of random :poof:...
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