Flashlight Enthusiast
Whenever I bust the camera out and start setting things up to take a picture of my flashlights, or knives, or gear, or shoes or whatever my girlfriend laughs at me and says I'm crazy. She says I'm crazy for having so many in the first place, she says I'm crazy for picking different backgrounds, and fussing with the positioning, and that I'm crazy for posting them.
But then I picture you out there doing the same thing, some with outstanding stuff and results, and everyone with the same fascination and passion and I think to myself "WTF does she know?" :nana:
My new McGizmo Ti-PD-S-Mizer (shown with RaidOps Buster)
But then I picture you out there doing the same thing, some with outstanding stuff and results, and everyone with the same fascination and passion and I think to myself "WTF does she know?" :nana:
My new McGizmo Ti-PD-S-Mizer (shown with RaidOps Buster)