shiningbeam p7 driver question


Newly Enlightened
Apr 15, 2010
I just got the 8x7135 driver from shiningbeam in the mail today. I can't try it out yet since I'm waiting on a new P7 emitter, which should be showing up any day. In the meantime, I have a question about this driver. Upon inspection, I noticed that the positive wire is extremely close to the resistor next to it. I can't tell whether it's touching or not. So I'm wondering whether this resistor should be connected to the positive wire or not. If it's not supposed to be connected, I think it's a little too close for comfort (might arc?), and I will resolder to move it away. On the other hand, if it's supposed to be connected, then it's not making good contact and I will need to add some more solder.

Could that be the polarity protection diode you're looking at? If so, one end of it should be connected to battery/LED positive, which it should be through the PCB trace.
The thing in the lower right of the first pic, with the LED positive connected to one end, is a diode. The arrowhead on it indicates the direction of conventional current, so points away from the LED wire.