Shot Show Shoot Out

Mr Ted Bear

Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 20, 2001
Los Angeles, CA
Sunday evening a dozen for us hard core flashaholics ventured to the eastern outskirts of the city of Las Vegas to comapre some new lights. Berfore I begin, a few thanks to Polarion, StreamLight, Led Lenser (Coast) and AE Lighting; these vednors loan us lights to compare.

Besides known quantities like the X990, N30, Polarion X1 and Helios, the following "NEW" lights were compared: AE Xenide 20 watt, Coast 7 Cluster Cree, a Polarion Helios 50watt, Databank 70, and a StreamLight HID. I forgot to bring a lazer range finder, but I check the data log from my gps. The far mountain is appx 550 yards

A quick analysis... the 20watt AE Xeninde was about even with a 7 cluster Creee. The 50watt Helios seemed about the same as the 40 watt Helios. The StreamLight is right there at the top with the Polarions (note: the StreamLight is HUGH in size....) The Databank 70 kicked butt..... but in the end, the HyperBlitz was king of the hill.

The "wide angle" shots
Contact Sheet2c.jpg

and now the cropped shots
Contact Sheet3c.jpg
Owww . . . .

My eyes !

My eyes !

Seriously, those are some VERY bright lights. :cool:

Thank you for the visual comparisons.


Hello Jeff,

Thank you for posting the pictures. That was a fun night we all had out there.

I'm glad that there are now some beam shots of the most impressive LED light that I have ever seen; the Data Bank 70.

Now I just have to figure out how to build something self-contained and portable that will blow away my HyperBlitz.

:kewlpics:, thanks for posting these

the mag 623 is impressive.......that a incan can stand so well against all those great HID's :)

btw does someone has the specs of the Volcano?
Nice pics Jeff! :thumbsup:
The X1 still seems to be the throw champ of the Polarion products.
Do you have a pic somewhere of the Databank 70?

Take Care,
mtbkndad :wave:
Here's a pic from the SS2008 Party Pictures Thread. pk on left, data on right, and the honeycomb thingee is the Databank 70

There is a PH50 now........? How did I miss that? :thinking:

Thanks for the always great shots. I always feel spoiled by your beam comparisons.
Out of curiosty, has any1 built their own HyperBlitz? With the compact LiPo battery setup? I'm only interested in LiPo's due to their size & weight. I really like the pelicon case idea.

What did you guys do to that Streamlight Lite Box? We just installed 14 of them in our office building and those 20 watters don't look anything like the Box in the Shoot Out.

Killer photos. I like all the lights. The Databank causes me to realize I'm a very normal person. I have a great affection for that Volcano. Anyway all those lights are impressive.

Thanks for thread, Jeff and thanks to all the participants of the ShootOut.
I woosed-out for the event, even after packing a tanklight. Froze my a** off walking from the far end of the convention center to the Monorail station, and again from the station down into my hotel! Also didn't have concrete directions, though talking with the Garmin folks on Monday, turns out I could have entered the coordinates in the GPS and found my way there! :green:

Oh well,

Mr Ted Bear

Thanks for the wonderful beam shots! It was a blast seeing you again and meeting everybody. That must have been a lot of work putting all this together.


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