Mr Ted Bear
Flashlight Enthusiast
Sunday evening a dozen for us hard core flashaholics ventured to the eastern outskirts of the city of Las Vegas to comapre some new lights. Berfore I begin, a few thanks to Polarion, StreamLight, Led Lenser (Coast) and AE Lighting; these vednors loan us lights to compare.
Besides known quantities like the X990, N30, Polarion X1 and Helios, the following "NEW" lights were compared: AE Xenide 20 watt, Coast 7 Cluster Cree, a Polarion Helios 50watt, Databank 70, and a StreamLight HID. I forgot to bring a lazer range finder, but I check the data log from my gps. The far mountain is appx 550 yards
A quick analysis... the 20watt AE Xeninde was about even with a 7 cluster Creee. The 50watt Helios seemed about the same as the 40 watt Helios. The StreamLight is right there at the top with the Polarions (note: the StreamLight is HUGH in size....) The Databank 70 kicked butt..... but in the end, the HyperBlitz was king of the hill.
The "wide angle" shots
and now the cropped shots
Besides known quantities like the X990, N30, Polarion X1 and Helios, the following "NEW" lights were compared: AE Xenide 20 watt, Coast 7 Cluster Cree, a Polarion Helios 50watt, Databank 70, and a StreamLight HID. I forgot to bring a lazer range finder, but I check the data log from my gps. The far mountain is appx 550 yards
A quick analysis... the 20watt AE Xeninde was about even with a 7 cluster Creee. The 50watt Helios seemed about the same as the 40 watt Helios. The StreamLight is right there at the top with the Polarions (note: the StreamLight is HUGH in size....) The Databank 70 kicked butt..... but in the end, the HyperBlitz was king of the hill.
The "wide angle" shots

and now the cropped shots