Shotgun light recommendations?


Newly Enlightened
Mar 13, 2010
Looking for a light to affix between the shotgun magazine and barrel. I found the 2007 thread on shotgun lights. Didn't help, though, as my needs are different from the normal tactical light requirements.

Here is what my gun looks like, except mine has a pistol grip...

The goal is to minimize bulk, so I plan to attach the light up against the front end of the magazine and barrel - by wrapping thick tacky grip tape around the mag + barrel + flashlight. An additional strip of grip tape between the flashlight and barrel+mag will help with adhesion, and provide some cushion.

Here are the features I am looking for, most important first...
* tube shape so that it fits evenly against the barrel+mag
* can be fitted with a remote switch
* can be turned on to either a selectable power, or a disorienting flash
* momentary on
* power can be changed using only the tailcap/remote switch
* no larger than 1 inch diameter
* takes 2 CR123A batteries
* minimum 120 lumens
* black

Here is the closest thing I found so far - the novatac specialops. It appears to have the control behaviors I want, but lacks the remote switch feature, but is only 120 lumens...

The Streamlight PT-2L has decent power at 180 lumens, but no remote switch and control behavior isn't explained on their web site...
The remote switch seems to be the most difficult to find feature.
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The best option for a light will a Surefire 6P/G2 with an XM07 tape switch with the tape replaced with the SR07 tapeswitch

You may as well give up trying to find a weapon mounted light with a tape switch that has strobe, as the electronics for the strobe feature is usually built in to the tail cap.

If that's an 870 (which it appears to be...the pictures kinda small), Streamlight makes a magazine mountor you can just get a figure 8 mount that clamps directlt to the mag., like the SF M17
I have a dedicated forend such as the 618FA, or even the newer ones which are more compact, and they're hardly noticeable as far as handling goes.

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Thanks a bunch for the tips guys! After reading your suggestions and searching the forum some more, I decided on the streamlight PT-2L. The shotgun is a FNH Tactical Police semi-auto with 18" barrel, and tritium ghost ring sites.

It meets all of the above requirements except the tail switch (thanks for the tip on that - angelofwar). Also, it claims to use the C4 chip which is "impervious to shock". Mounting on a magnum shotgun will be a good test of that feature :grin2:

Also, programmability is questionable since there appears to be no info on exactly how it behaves - including the online manual. Another member of this forum asked about the programming on this light, so I'll post up a micro-review when it comes in...

Not as nice as the novatac, but almost half the price at $53...

With the money I - erm - saved, I also got a small red laser site - $48. It's only 0.6 x 2.25 inches, so should fit inside of the end of the magazine. I'll drill a hole in the mag cap for it and soft glue it in there. Should be just enough clearance to avoid the muzzle blast.
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Oh wait, I forgot...there a mag mount by B-Square...this might be the most streamlined mount to use...I'll get some pic's posted of the different set-ups so you can see what they llok like and can tell if they're compact enough for you.
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Doh - sorry about that :oops:. "hotlinking" - learn something new every day.

I haven't seen any mag mounts that'll fit on a FNH. Maybe it's because the mag is larger diameter than winchester or mossberg. Not sure, though. In any case, FNH is known for having virtually zero add-ons due to the small number they sell to civilians.

The mount plan is to use a 1" OD brass or ABS tube tape stuck to the side of the mag and barrel. I'll cut a short L slot in the side of the tube so that the flashlight can be slid in from the end, then rotation-lock the clip into the base of the "L". This method should allow easy removal of the light, yet be streamlined and secure - in theory.

The sticky tape and clip should be enough to keep the light from rotating, and the L should keep it from moving back and forth. At least, that's the best compact method I have thought of up to this point. Any suggestions would be appreciated :thinking:
my PD30 fits perfectly with $2.16 dealextreme Universal Nylon Mount for Flashlights works perfect on my mossberge 500 doesnt scratch the black finish and works beautifully. i just used scissors to trim off the excess velcro strap and its nice and tight. it has the perfect size rubber mount in the middle for the magazine tube and the PD30:twothumbs
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Well, here's a picture of the B-Square mount on an should fit your FNH fine, as most mag's are 1"...this give's you a good idea of how close this adapter fits. In this one, I'm using a standard 1" scope mount ring...but you measure it with some calipers if you're not sure of your mag size...

I have an Olight M20 on my 870 as well as my AR. Love them.:twothumbs
That B-square mount looks like a great way to attach a flashlight to a 1" mag. But, it's too bulky for my application (the gun wouldn't fit where it needs to be stored), and the FNH has a 1.2" mag anyway. Typical FNH - not compatible with 3rd party suppliers.

Looks like the universal mount would work - but again it's too bulky. Also, it looks like taping the tube on there with grip tape might hold it better than the strap on that mount.

I can visualize building a special mount for it - based on the tube holder concept - that would hold it tight mechanically, and look sleek and professional. All that's needed is a vertical milling machine, or a bit of luck in finding adaptable parts. For a first attempt, the grip tape - holds - tube - holds - light - will have to be the solution in the meantime.
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Maybe if you shared photos of where/how you need to store your shotgun there could other solutions that don't require machine-work?
Maybe if you shared photos of where/how you need to store your shotgun there could other solutions that don't require machine-work?
Ok - this is what the space looks like. It's a nice little compartment behind the passenger seats. Too small to be useful for most things, but this gun fits in there perfectly with room to spare for a few speedloaders...

The depth of this compartment is 2 3/4", and if you go over that depth - the compartment cover doesn't fit flush. The height of the gun at the top of the charging handle as you see it here is 2 1/4". I added a 1.1" diameter tube on the end - as I plan to mount the flashlight - and that raised the muzzle to 2 1/4". Charging handle raised a bit, but not much, with the 1.1" test tube in place on the left-hand side of the gun.

With the current plan, I am consuming 2 1/4" of a 2 3/4" space - allowing about 1/2" for use in securing the gun with a locking cable. This would be the "simple configuration". Eventually, I'd like to replace the compartment cover with a carpet covered combination locked steel plate - allowing locking of the entire compartment. That could add zero to 1/4" max to the compartment depth.
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That should really help people offer solutions.

Have you discounted SureFire's model 636FA shotgun forend WeaponLight?
They'll shortly be releasing their LM2 replacement LED Lamp Module for it to give you 200 lumens (same as LX2 in high output and beam). At which time you can replace the incandescent L60 Lamp Module with the LM2...
I also recommened a dedicated fore-end, but then realized it was an FNH (not an 870), which I don't think SF mfg.'s them for. You can get the M17 mentioned earlier and mount it underneath (in-line) with the mag...let me see if I can find something that'll work so I can show ya a picture. UTG and GG&G/Botach have some.

Here, look at this. This will attach directly to the mag and allow you to mount the light underneath.

EDIT: SF does manufacture them for the FN Police's the 636xx/x version. This would be the best and most reliable option.
Thank you again for the great suggestions! I keep running in to the same problem though - those cool accessories won't fit on my FNH. At first glance, the 636 forend looks great - complete with switches and rubber grip. But, it's designed for pumps, not autos. I can see in the photo where it is missing the mechanical link that FN autos use to clamp the forend front tube to the magazine, for example.

The tri-rail is a good alternative also because, as with the 636, I do have extra space below the mag for something. That tri-rail, and all others I have seen, are for 1" mags - too small to fit the FNH's oversized mag. The idea is sound, though. Now why didn't I think of that :candle:. FNH does make a tri-rail for this gun, so that can be used to implement this option.

You guys have been great - 1 pro-grade alternative to the DIY tube method has been discovered :grin2:. Still - I'd like to try the tube method because it is more compact, and puts the light button right in front of my thumb - where it should be.

Also, I figured out a way to clamp the light holding tube securely against the barrel. I'm just going to feed 2 flat head screws through the inside of the tube into 2 halves of a typical mag clamp. Instead of using the mag clamp to hold the mag to the barrel, I'll use each half of the clamp to hold the opposite side of the tube. Have to stretch out the bottom part of each clamp, though, to make it fit FN's oversize mag.
That's an FNH SLP, right? Great shotgun. What you need is the tri-rail adapter, which is the only secure way to properly mount a light on that shotgun.

Sticky tape and other things like duct tape and hose clamps are just going to fail under recoil and you'll be in a world of hurt at precisely the wrong time. Start with the tri-rail adapter and go from there. The Streamlight TLR-1 got good reviews here and is being sold at very attractive prices these days.

Here's a couple of pics of the tri-rail extension:



Looking for a light to affix between the shotgun magazine and barrel. I found the 2007 thread on shotgun lights. Didn't help, though, as my needs are different from the normal tactical light requirements.

Here is what my gun looks like, except mine has a pistol grip...

The goal is to minimize bulk, so I plan to attach the light up against the front end of the magazine and barrel - by wrapping thick tacky grip tape around the mag + barrel + flashlight. An additional strip of grip tape between the flashlight and barrel+mag will help with adhesion, and provide some cushion.

Here are the features I am looking for, most important first...
* tube shape so that it fits evenly against the barrel+mag
* can be fitted with a remote switch
* can be turned on to either a selectable power, or a disorienting flash
* momentary on
* power can be changed using only the tailcap/remote switch
* no larger than 1 inch diameter
* takes 2 CR123A batteries
* minimum 120 lumens
* black

Here is the closest thing I found so far - the novatac specialops. It appears to have the control behaviors I want, but lacks the remote switch feature, but is only 120 lumens...

The Streamlight PT-2L has decent power at 180 lumens, but no remote switch and control behavior isn't explained on their web site...
The remote switch seems to be the most difficult to find feature.
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Have you confirmed by calling and speaking with a WeaponLight specialist at SureFire that they don't have a replacement forend for your specific shotgun?
There is a chance they do...
That's an FNH SLP, right? Great shotgun. What you need is the tri-rail adapter, which is the only secure way to properly mount a light on that shotgun....
Yes, it is the SLP (Self Loading Police) - and I'm trying to make it go where no SLP has gone before :eek:oo:.

That is indeed the tri-rail of which I spoke just 1 post above yours. The quality option to be sure - unless as Size15 suggests - there is a specialty forend from SureFire for the SLP. I'll call Tuesday and see if I can get an answer on that.

There is a problem with the tri-rail option, though. If you choose a tac light that has a remote switch (for ready access), none of those have cool features such as low low or disorienting flash at power-on. But, if you add a rail adater to accept one of the lites with the cool features - it is even farther out of reach for actual weapon mount usage. Of course, I want it all - all the features, ready access, and easy removeability too. That is why I have been thinking in terms of the tube mount concept. And, no need for tape with the screw mount method I mention in the above post. What's not to love?

Got some bad new - email from the estore saying they are out of stock on the PT-2L. Oh well, wouldn't hurt to delay this project by a week or so :mecry:
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