Gitmo would be one of those things, however there are many others.
Unfortunately the US media cultivates a culture of ignorance, and an almost divine justification and rightness in the actions of US. A US citizen is usually kept blissfuly unaware of actions done in their name (south america in the 80s anyone?), and until recently (due to changes in world communications, politics, spread of weapon knowledge etc) was tottally unaffected by them. Sept 11 was the first time in US history that the results of their foreign policy came to mainland US; before it was always contained in the area of the mess itself! So to an Iraqi, or a palestinian etc, in terms of number of deaths, they witness a Sept 11 virtually every month of their whole lives (usually either due to direct US action or indirect support).
So when the US people ask with genuine confusion: "but why do they hate us?", most foreigners are amazed by this lack of knowledge and awareness. Thats why the US has to be told things like "they hate freedom, they hate our way of life, and are trying to destroy it" which is easy to believe and fear. However in most cases, these "enemies" are fighting for their freedom, and to preserve their way of life!
This is most sad, since individually, most americans are really cool, helpful and good people; however their name is tainted globally by the actions of thier government.
This topic of conversation can run for ever between us with no resolution, so I'll stop here. But as a point I leave you with this example:
State department press release 1984, regarding Iraqs use of chemical wepaons (Saddam best buddy at that time, US actually increased supporting him afterwards, and chemical weapon use was NEVER widely publicised until 1991 when it was useful propaganda):
"While condemning Iraq's chemical weapons use . . . The United States finds the present Iranian regime's
intransigent refusal to deviate from its avowed objective of eliminating the legitimate government of neighboring Iraq (ed: that was Saddam, in case you are wondering) to be inconsistent with the accepted norms of behavior among nations and the moral and religious basis which it claims"
I hope you spot the many tragic hypocracies just in this one paragraph. These alone, can be held directly responsible for the deaths of 4 million people in the last 20 years. (2mil Iran/iraq war, 1 mil sanctions after desert storm (a genocide as termed by many world authorities, but hey whos listening), 1 mil and counting OIF). Did these people deserve to die? Did they hate freedom? Or were their deaths a price worth paying, as stated by Madeleine Albright? If someone said that we think its acceptable that your children, your whole family, neighberhood etc to die, so I can have cheap gas to go get my latte in my SUV, how happy would an american be; would you gladly comply, or become a "terrorist" to defend against this?