Show me the light


Newly Enlightened
Aug 27, 2008
Hi all, I'm new here but I like what I've seen so far.

I recently bought a Led lenser, one double A, I believe its made by Coast. It only seems to give good light for about an hour or so and then you have to play with it just to get it to turn on. I paid about thirty for it and was hoping for more life.

Is this what I can expect from this light? If so is their a better alternative? The reason I bought this one is the small (holster) size and I thought convenience of one AA battery.
Check out the review section, you'll find a lot of useful information about many lights. I find that the user feedback about different lights (pros and cons) help me in any decisions I have before buying a new light.

first off, :welcome:

LED Lenser doesn't get much praise around here...primarily because of low quality components used and ridiculously fancy language on the performance and technology utilized that doesn't really get you anywhere :crackup:

heres a review of all the coast lights:
Which one are you referring to?:)

I've bought some of their products with so-so results, most of them expired due to water entry or impact:eek:

Theres alot of alternatives to choose from...expecially in the 1xAAA arena that outshines 1xAA or 2xAA consumer grade general store lights. But before the discussion in the features of individual lights. Understand that decent flashlights can range from $15 to $3000+ and most of them fall between $40 and $300 at least by my experience :candle:

Be prepared to handle the price tag before you select whats right for you, to me thats just more realistic. As mentioned above, visit the reviews section and search the subforum as necessary if any light sparks your interest. Topics may be added daily in the LED section too. If you can't find what your looking for the google search bar on the top of the forum does wonders:D

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Is there a better alternative? Well that depends on which Coast you have and what you want the light to do.

My guess is that you can at least double the output of your light but swapping in a current gen LED for the same runtime.


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