Show your work bench


Dec 16, 2005
long island ny
So this is how my work bench currently lays. I don't own a Lathe or any fancy machinery. Nothing special just a desk with allot of random stuff all thrown together. If you look closely you will see three separate projects in the making.
I spy with my little eye...
The 3 Cree bike light with heatsink in the making.

And might that be a Aleph 3 ready to take on 3 27mm reflectors?

What intrigues me is the large black heatsink with a post attached.

Is it a fixed lighting project with 4 LEDs to cover 360°

Or a mod to a RR lantern?

PhotonFanatic said:

Looks good--when are you going to use it? :D
LOL, that pic is from where I first moved in and got it setup. Its got crap all over it now, trust me! That bench came from sams club, solid 2" maple top, I bolted that craftsman vise to it. That vise comes in handy all the time! (Especially for light modding)
Here's a part of my shop. Harbor Freight 8 X 12 lathe in corner and a Taig lathe with Sherline mill on rolling cabinet. There's also a welding/metal working area left of the yellow safety curtain. A Harbor Freight mini mill is going next to the lathe in a month. Shop is still a work in progress because I just bought the house a year ago and my "honey do" list is long:ohgeez:


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Those bench makes me green with envies.

photorob & powernoodle: You know a messy bench is a bench with work in progress.

PoliceScannerMan: Your bench looks like the Maytag Gladiator but done right. my friend got the same thing but it's missing the middle legs so when you put a bench lathe on it (~500lbs) it sags in the center.

missionaryman: Let me know when you have the next shipment to San Francisco. Those hardwood looks ridiculously nice.

Energie: Wow a real life Austrian Emco machine. Shop is small but "tight" (aka nice!)

tinkerer: I thought I was the only one collecting lathe :D

jtice: John, how many meters do you have? Don't u trust your Fluke :nana:
I swore I was not going to do this. Then I saw how beautiful some of these workbenches are and I just had to make those folks feel even prouder of their workspaces.

I have two benches. One is mainly for machining. The other is for electrical, woodworking, whatever. There is, of course, some overlap.


If you look closely there IS a mill and Lathe on the bench. There's floor standing drill press to the left of the mill. The metal working workbench is a "Gorilla Rack" system, with multiple 18 inch by 4 foot segments bolted together.


Sorry Jonathan, I no longer work for Boral - moved to a different timber company who import but don't export. The timber in the top is Spotted Gum, very hard stuff.

modamag said:
Those bench makes me green with envies.

photorob & powernoodle: You know a messy bench is a bench with work in progress.

PoliceScannerMan: Your bench looks like the Maytag Gladiator but done right. my friend got the same thing but it's missing the middle legs so when you put a bench lathe on it (~500lbs) it sags in the center.

missionaryman: Let me know when you have the next shipment to San Francisco. Those hardwood looks ridiculously nice.

Energie: Wow a real life Austrian Emco machine. Shop is small but "tight" (aka nice!)

tinkerer: I thought I was the only one collecting lathe :D

jtice: John, how many meters do you have? Don't u trust your Fluke :nana:
I just cleaned this off, I do some woodwork and some metal work - for the most part with bench tools. This work bench was one of my early builds, I needed something completely flat and very strong.


In use while I was making the wood mini-mags

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