Skyray King, any good ??


Newly Enlightened
Oct 2, 2014
Hey guys! Need some 'expert' help. I saw my friend the other day and he pulled out something that looked like nitecores TM26. It wasn't. It was the skyray king. So, is it good, and if it is, how bright exactly cos I looked on eBay and apparently it's 4000/6000 lumens.

Derek Dean

Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 14, 2006
Monterey, CA
Howdy BananaBryan, and welcome to CPF!
I don't have the Skyray King, but a simple CPF search turned up quite a few hits. Just type "Skyray King" into that little white search box at the top left of most pages. Be sure and leave it checked, "CPF Only", then click ,"Google Search". That should bring up quite a few CPF threads dealing with that light. Hope that helps.

I'm sure others that own it will chime it, but till then you'll have some good reading. Have fun!


Oct 17, 2013
Manchester UK
Hi there,4-6000lm its definitely not(in standard form anyway) the output .I have a couple and both are the 3xled versions. They are not as bright as my tm15 at 2450lm although admittedly the reflectors are more shallow(floody)on the SR.

Bang for buck imo they are pretty good value,like a cheap version of the tm11 in a little way but certainly not a replacement. Would guess at each led around 500-600lm tops so around 1800lm ish on my versions. I dont think the versions with 4 or 5 leds have different drivers so probably driven less per led(dont know on that) just a guess. As its hard to know the facts,so many make/sell clones of clones of........... there are lots of variations in build and no doubt output.

The 4 led version is not up to tm26 in anyway,build,performance etc but for around $40 its a good budget option.

Claims wise ignore but my china light guide :laughing: , in general i use around 3-600lm tops per led as a guide with the leds used on these lights as almost all are exaggerated to sell .

Obv modded and driven hard versions can reach and surpass those figures .......................


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 9, 2011
I have both the 3 and 4 LED versions. Both are great value. No problems. Like ven said, not as bright as TM lights, but worth the price! Enjoy! Welcome to CPF!


Newly Enlightened
Jan 18, 2010
No. They used to be okay, and were pretty good mod hosts, but some of the clones have been made too cheap and destroyed the thermal path. You don't know if you'll get a good or bad one, so I don't think it's worth the risk. Now there's a light that's essentially a gen II SRK called the Supfire M6. That has a better thermal design than the original SRK, and at this time you'll get what you expect. You can buy it stock for $40, or get a modded version that will do a true 4000 lumens for a little over $80.