SL Argo HP w/ P4 - A little help please!


Newly Enlightened
Feb 9, 2007
A little troubleshooting from anyone with a faint understanding of electronics would be greatly appreciated. I recently replaced the Luxeon star in my SL Argo HP headlamp with an SSC P4 U-bin star from DX. Everything seemed to come together fairly simply, but it doesn't work. Not really. If it didn't work at all, I would think there is some sort of continuity problem. As it happens, though, the LED does flash on for a millisecond after connecting a power source. If I wait a second with the power disconnected and try again, it flashes again. Most interestingly, if I wait a second after disconnecting the power and tap the low/hi/off switch, it sometimes flashes (where is that energy coming from?)

So don't sugar coat it for me Doc; does this sound like I have fatally damaged some component of the circuit or does it sound like a smaller, more fixable issue?
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A couple of further details might help with the diagnosis. First, there was a puff of smoke at one point. I thought I saw it coming from where I was connecting the makeshift battery leads (I used solder wire) to the circuit board contacts. I thought it was just the solder lead melting, but I guess it could have been the important insides of one of those colorful little eletronic doodads in there. Anyway, I just was hoping to find out whether to toss the whole thing in the trash or not.

Thanks again,
EngrPaul posted that he had some stars from DX in which the emitters were on backwards (180deg). Maybe too late, usually when you let the smoke out it is finished.
I have an argo Hp open and ready once my seouls show up. I hope yours is an anomaly, or I may have a similar experience. don't know whats going on.