Small (<10mm) 200 - 500 mA driver for AAA light?


Apr 11, 2008
Anyone know of a source to get a <10mm diameter driver for an AAA light I am modding? Everything seems to be 14mm+ in diameter. Search the forum and came up empty.

I am using an XP-G and am flexible with battery options (Li-on, NimH, or alkaline. I would like a single mode buck/boost/linear driver capable of anywhere between 200 - 500 mA. Only other option is to DD with a resistor.

Microbuck cube?

Dealextreme sku 7881?

Shrinking the diameter will just make the driver longer as you stack instead of laying out the components.
thanks, looks good, but it is out of stock and looking at the comments, it is hard to get.
You could use a Mini FLuPIC which are still available. They are 10.5mm in diameter & will give 400ma on high. 3 level with user setting & memory, same driver used in the Draco. Would need to run on a li-ion though.

thanks very much. I knew about the regular sized flupic boards, but did not know they had a mini version. Looks like it just may work and the price isn't bad either considering I usually fry boards on the first attempt.
If I were doing a low power 3xAAA light in that size, I would just use a resistor. The losses are going to be more or less the same as that board and the resistor is a lot more reliable than anything more complex.
If I were doing a low power 3xAAA light in that size, I would just use a resistor. The losses are going to be more or less the same as that board and the resistor is a lot more reliable than anything more complex.


Thanks - I'm looking into that as well. I've never used the simple resistor route - either gone DD or driver. The lower Vf of XPG's however are severely overdriven by DD from 1 x li-on. Not a huge problem if heatsinking is adequate, but my build will be a single AAA light, so not much space for a sizable heatsink.