I don't know of any lights made specifically for a single A123. The problem with looking for an 18650 light is that it is probably made for 4.2 volt max or 3.6 volt batteries and the normal 3.3 volt of an A123 may not be enough to drive it to full brightness. And A123's tend to have lower maH capacity even though you can suck it out faster at higher current overall it's not probably the best choice for an LED flashlight. And of course they can be charged fast but do you really want to be swapping out batteries twice as often? Some incandescent lights are a good match for these where runtime's not as important as high current draw but for most LED lights they are not probably the best battery. Having said all that there have been a couple extra small 18650 LED lights show up in the last month or so. One is through a U.S. dealer who's on CPFM - can't remember the name at the minute but he's fairly new here as a dealer and the other is DX - they've got one or two maybe that showed up recently.
This one is 4.41 in x 0.94 in :
click here and may be one of the smallest and this one:
click here
by Aurora is just a little bigger. They both may work with the A123 but I doubt if they will be as bright as an 18650 Li-Ion nor will they run as long.