smallest P60 Surefire hosts?


Newly Enlightened
Dec 3, 2009
Ontario, Canada
I have a $50 gift certificate for Bass Pro Shops and was thinking of using it towards my first Surefire. I know they don't have a big selection there, but $50 is $50. I want to restrict my choices to P60 hosts so I can upgrade/mod in the future. And I'm very particular about size, the smaller the better. So I was hoping some of you Surefire AFIs could suggest the smallest (in height and diameter) P60 hosts that Surefire offers. Thanks.
The G2, 6P, and C2 are all pretty much the same size. The G2 is the lightest, though, since it's plastic.

If you intend to use a high output LED dropin in the future, make sure to get a host with a metal bezel for proper heat sinking. The only one without a metal bezel is the incan G2. The (now discontinued) G2L has a metal bezel that accepts a P60 dropin. The new LED SF bezels are sealed.
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The G2, 6P, and C2 are all pretty much the same size. The G2 is the lightest, though, since it's plastic.

If you intend to use a high output LED dropin in the future, make sure to get a host with a metal bezel for proper heat sinking. The only one without a metal bezel is the incan G2. The (now discontinued) G2L has a metal bezel that accepts a P60 dropin. The new LED SF bezels are sealed.

Plastic? Hopefully size15's will see that so he can set the record straight:D I definitely wouldn't classify nitrolon as merely "plastic". It's much more than that.
Since you are going with a light from BPS, I'd recommend the E1L. It's a well-proven 1-cell light, and can be upgraded to be a P60 host with the addition of an E2C adapter and P60 head.
I have a $50 gift certificate for Bass Pro Shops and was thinking of using it towards my first Surefire. I know they don't have a big selection there, but $50 is $50. I want to restrict my choices to P60 hosts so I can upgrade/mod in the future. And I'm very particular about size, the smaller the better. So I was hoping some of you Surefire AFIs could suggest the smallest (in height and diameter) P60 hosts that Surefire offers. Thanks.

If you dont like the P60 host your gonna choose at Bass Pro Shops I'm pretty sure you can trade and re-trade your host just like your orange millie.
If you dont like the P60 host your gonna choose at Bass Pro Shops I'm pretty sure you can trade and re-trade your host just like your orange millie.

Hmmm... I'm not sure how to take that. Playful nudge or prickly jab? Regardless, it's weird that my posting and sales history from other forums is being tracked and commented on (and inaccurately at that) here. If you're (nice apostrophe, eh?) just kidding around, fine. But if your intentions are less than that, I suggest keeping this civil so my thread isn't compromised. Thanks.
You've specified two characteristics that are somewhat at odds - P60 compatibility and smallest size.

If P60 compatibility is more important, I'd go with a classic 6P. It's the platform that all the P60 stuff derived from. It can accept an amazing range of aftermarket drop-ins, can be extended to accept more/longer cells with an adapter, can be bored for larger capacity 18mm cells, etc. etc.

If smallest size is more important, and you're willing to defer P60 compatibiliy, then an E series light like the E1L (runtime optimised) or E1B (output optimised) are the way to go. The most recent E1Bs are rated 120 lumens on high. As Donn noted, you can use an E series body with an E to C adapter and a standard Z44 head for a truly tiny P60 capable light. (This can be achieved with non-Surefire parts too.)

A G2 is similar in size to a 6P, but is more limiting if you're considering upgrading in future.

Personally, depending on how much you want to chip in with your gift certificate, I'd go with a 6P or an E1B.

- Syncytial.
The Little Twisty is generally regarded as the smallest P60 host. The price is right, but your store restriction may disqualify it.

OK, you talked me into it. :D

Here's a quick photo of various lights...


Left to right we have:

1/ Surefire C2 (bored by the Oveready collective)
2/ Surefire 6P (with Z59 clicky tailcap)
3/ Surefire G2
4/ Vital Gear FB-3/TnC E-C adapter/Surefire Z44
5/ Vital Gear FB-2/VME head
6/ Solarforce (!) L2M (similar in size to the Surefire 3P, which is no longer available)
7/ Vital Gear FB-1/VME head
8/ Valiant Concepts Little Twisty (lug version, includes VME head)

Since the VME head really isn't as versatile as the standard Surefire heads, I wasn't going to muddy the waters by introducing all these other-brand variants. Obviously, I like the Valiant Concepts and Vital Gear stuff, but it's straying away from the OP's request.

Nevertheless, this gives a quick visual reference to what we're babbling about.

A higher res photo can be downloaded at this link. (Not that it's anything special!)

- Syncytial.
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You've specified two characteristics that are somewhat at odds - P60 compatibility and smallest size.

Yeah, I knew that going into this but figured there might be something out there I ovrlooked.

If P60 compatibility is more important...

If smallest size is more important, and you're willing to defer P60 compatibiliy, then an E series light like the E1L (runtime optimised) or E1B (output optimised) are the way to go....

I guess compatibility is my top priority, but not necessarily P60 compatibility, if that makes sense. If there is something small(er) in the Surefire line that will allow me to beef up its output (total lumens or possibly even just throw) or try out different options (emitters, engines, heads, etc.) then I'm game. I've come to this desire by way of my disenchantment with Surefire's output-to-co$t ratio and a growing fondness of tinkering.

I love the looks of the E1L but am unimpressed with its output. If the adaptions you and Donn mentioned will jack it up yet keep it small, I will be leaning that way. Thanks for the pics!
I guess compatibility is my top priority, but not necessarily P60 compatibility, if that makes sense. If there is something small(er) in the Surefire line that will allow me to beef up its output (total lumens or possibly even just throw) or try out different options (emitters, engines, heads, etc.) then I'm game. I've come to this desire by way of my disenchantment with Surefire's output-to-co$t ratio and a growing fondness of tinkering.

I love the looks of the E1L but am unimpressed with its output. If the adaptions you and Donn mentioned will jack it up yet keep it small, I will be leaning that way.

I'd suggest a visit to the store to handle the lights, if you can. You can't get a full appreciation for their characteristics without hands-on time.

The E1L has, by current CPF standards, relatively low output - but it does it for quite a long time. The E1B is fairly bright based on rated output, but the simple number we focus on is deceptive. The optics used in the E1B provide a tightly focused beam that is surprisingly effective.

A few general observations about modifying these lights...

Any of these lights can be modified or lego'd with other components. If you're working within a relatively modest budget for doing so, the 6P has lots of inexpensive, yet decent, stuff available for it. There's less available for the E series lights, and if you're buying commercially, there's less in the budget category, so expect to spend a bit more if you're staying in the E world.

You can, as previously mentioned, use an E body and a C head to try and get the best of both worlds - that's why I included the FB-1/2/3, and especially the FB-3 mated with an adapter and standard Surefire C series head, in the photo. You may or may not find the result attractive.

Don't obsess too much about getting the "perfect" light. You'll always be able to sell, gift or relegate a light to a different role. You'll also probably find that your criteria for satisfaction will change over time.

- Syncytial.
Or get the one you like the look and feel of the best and then send it to Milky Labs to have the guts you want put in it. I suggest you look at his creations in the Custom BST subforum. He does very good work. :huh:
Here's a link to a post with a picture of an E1B with a VME head that just turned up today.

Here's a link to a thread, that floated to the top this morning, discussing the availability and merits of E series upgrades.

Here's a link to a review of E series drop-ins that are currently being produced.

- Syncytial.
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