Flashlight Enthusiast
....4 hours old. I'm glad no one was around cuz they would've seen a grown man cry. I heard here on the forums that you could adjust the focus by loosening the head and started to unscrew the bezel. Unfortunately, the driver board got loose and started to turn with the rear portion of the head and the wires broke right off. Ugh. To say I was pissed would be an understatement. My fault though. I thought about tryin to solder some wires back but figured I would probably screw it up even more. I believe the driver board and emitter are still fine, they just need to be reconnected. I was going to try to put it all up on the MarketPlace but for some reason my account won't log in on my girlfriends' pc and I'm at her place for the weekend. I even requested my password but it never arrives at my email address. Argh. If anyone is interested, pm me!