Solarforce drop-in assistance needed.


Jul 29, 2009
I have a Solarforce L2 with a "apparently" 500 lumen led, bought of e-bay, running with a single 18650. Its bright and I like it a lot but its said it can't run for more than 10 minutes at a time as the battery will get too hot. I do have cell extenders and extra 18650 batteries and the original R2 globe but its not bright enough for me. I also bought a D36 head and a 450 lumen indescandent globe but prefer to keep the L2 running with a led.

My questions:
1. What is the best led available for the D36 head, prefferably able to run with 2, or even 3 18650's?
2. If i can get a multimode led globe will I be able to operate it with the standerd clicky switch? Both the 500LM and the R2 are single mode...

I prefer throw to spread.

I am really happy with my Lumens Factory P7 "turbo head", just buy a C to M adapter and some extenders and you are good to go, all the way to 3x18650.
Runtime is geat, I have gone well over an hour on 2x18650 with no hassles.

I head a multimode version is in the making.
Being a P7 is a bit more floody though.
South African, welcome.

Thats the Lumens Factory D36.
I got my turbo head from Ant too.
If you want something really nice drop me a mail about the Thrunite Catapult.
Available locally in stock, some serious throw,
Thanks, I thought I were the only used from South Africa! Do you have a link to that Trunite Catapult?
Ant has kept me well stocked in Solarforce and Lumens Factory.
I have L2, L2m, special edition stainless, Seraph , single mode LED's, multi LED's, turbo head, etc. Not many incans. I might get the D36 and LED but I'm not stressing about it.
I'm fetching switches and other SF odds and ends from him soon.

Read about the Catapult, its great because it uses a singe die LED SST-50 and not the 4xLED's like MCE or P7.
I'll send you the guys number. He does iTP too.
Buying local is always good, saves on the waiting time.
I'm waiting for some 4Sevens stuff, they have done ok on the communication and its just the waiting game now.
Just one last question that I'm not sure of.
If I buy a multimode led drop-in for my solarforce L2, do I need to buy a new clicky switch as well? Or will the standard forward clicky switch also be able to change the modes? If it can change the modes, will the light remember the last setting used as well?
Just one last question that I'm not sure of.
If I buy a multimode led drop-in for my solarforce L2, do I need to buy a new clicky switch as well? Or will the standard forward clicky switch also be able to change the modes? If it can change the modes, will the light remember the last setting used as well?

Both reverse clicky and forward clickies can change modes, its just that when using a reverse clicky, you have to click on first then use half presses to change modes whereas with a forward clicky, you can either:-

(a) half press to get to the mode you want; or

(b) click on and off rapidly to get to the mode you want.

I've used some P60/D26 drop-ins in my Surefire G2 and i can change modes in momentary by just pressing and releasing and pressing again, or when the tailcap is locked just twist off and on quickly.

As for memory of last setting, that is dependent on the driver of the drop-in, best to check their specifications and if in doubt, inquire with the vendor directly.

Good luck with your search, i'd add on to this but the previous posts pretty much covered everything and my meager knowledge about lights has nothing to add :D
Just one last question that I'm not sure of.
If I buy a multimode led drop-in for my solarforce L2, do I need to buy a new clicky switch as well? Or will the standard forward clicky switch also be able to change the modes? If it can change the modes, will the light remember the last setting used as well?

Standard on your L2 is a reverse clicky.
Depends on what you are using it for.

For defence applications a forward with one level is best.
For multimodes then a reverse is better.
Standard on your L2 is a reverse clicky.
Depends on what you are using it for.

For defence applications a forward with one level is best.
For multimodes then a reverse is better.

Then I'm sorted
I have the reverse switch
And I have a 9mm for defensive work:twothumbs