Solarforce Masterpiece Pro-I "C" Turbohead Review: Pictures, Beamshots, and more!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 21, 2008
San Jose, CA
Solarforce Masterpiece Pro-I "C" Turbohead Review: Pictures, Beamshots, and more!

Hi Everyone,

Up for review is the Solarforce Masterpiece Pro-I , a "C" threads compatible turbohead.

Here are some of the specs from

  • Complete flashlight head assembly product with premium CREE XR-E (WC-R2) LED
  • Powerful and extreme output up to 275 lumens*
  • 18650 battery x 1, at approx. 200 lumens: 2.5 hrs
  • 18650 battery x 2, at approx. 275 lumens: 1.5 hrs
  • High strength aluminum alloy body with Mil-spec hard-anodized finish
  • Max. Input voltage: up to 16V for high flexibility in battery configurations
  • Length, largest diameter: 82.5mm, 57mm
  • Weight: 185g
The light was provided by Solarforce for evaluation.

**IMPORTANT INFORMATION: To reduce the risk of damage please install the Solarforce Masterpiece Pro-1 Head first, then insert batteries from the tail end.

here is the light:


here is the head, sitting in front of a bunch of lights ;)





very well fluted head-- edges are sharp, but no razor or misshapen edges.













Size Comparisons:



Comparison Beamshots:
holes are typical -- throwers don't look good close range.


White Wall Shots:
Shutter Speed is not specified -- the white wall shots are meant to show artifacts, rings, etc in the beam, not for brightness comparison.



Outdoor Beamshots:




interesting jumps. I am unsure why the light does this, it looks like an attempt at better regulation?
I am unable to do a runtime on 2xRCR123A, I currently don't have 2 AW cells on hand.

The Solarforce Masterpiece Pro-I is Solarforce's first attempt in making a C-compatible turbohead. It does not disappoint. From my archived beamshots, it appears to beat the Tiablo A10-G in throw. Interestingly enough, it appears that the Pro-I either uses a smiliar or the same reflector as the A10-G, as it fits perfectly in the ACE-G head (A10-G/ACE-G had compatible parts). I don't have the A10-G anymore, so i'll have to depend on someone else for comparing. The disadvantage I see with this head is with it's performace on a single Li-ion cell, the head drives the emitter at a lower current at the lower voltages.

The head pairs very well with a Solarforce L2P body, there are no gaps or any oddities when the head is attached. Attaching the head, though, makes the light top heavy -- I recommend you purchase a clip along with the head to help with grip.

Sadly, the dropin isn't really a standard one, but proprietary, but, I am under the impression that Solarforce is in the process of creating a SST-50 dropin for this head. :popcorn:

There really isn't too much to write about an attachment -- the pictures should speak for themselves.

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Re: Solarforce Masterpiece Pro-I "C" Turbohead Review: Pictures, Beamshots, and more!

Q: Where is Brian's wallet?
A: I don't know, but I believe jake25 has the contents.

Q: Is is a throw king?
A: The Pro-I has beat the DBS V3 in my tests, but I don't have a A10 to directly compare it with. Pictures seem to go in favor of the Pro-I, though.
The Pro-I is still beat by the dereelight aspherical and the tiablo aspherical.

Q: Modes?
A: 1!

Q: Aspherical Lens?
A: None planned that I know of
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Re: Solarforce Masterpiece Pro-I "C" Turbohead Review: Pictures, Beamshots, and more!

Oh my... Where is my wallet?
Re: Solarforce Masterpiece Pro-I "C" Turbohead Review: Pictures, Beamshots, and more!

Just wanna note, use 2xRCR123s or 6V+ you'll get a lot more light compared to 1x18650 or 4.2V.
Re: Solarforce Masterpiece Pro-I "C" Turbohead Review: Pictures, Beamshots, and more!

Beamshots, etc, are all taken on 2 liion.

I don't have enough(I only have a single cell at the moment) AW 123 cells to do a runtime test.
Re: Solarforce Masterpiece Pro-I "C" Turbohead Review: Pictures, Beamshots, and more!

so which 1 is the winner for thrower?
Re: Solarforce Masterpiece Pro-I "C" Turbohead Review: Pictures, Beamshots, and more!

Thank you for the review.

Is the driver replaceable? If so, what is the diameter? 17mm?
Re: Solarforce Masterpiece Pro-I "C" Turbohead Review: Pictures, Beamshots, and more!

how does heat sinking work?
It seems like the proprietary drop-in press fits to the metal reflector and transfers heat up. (only the springs seem to touch to the bottom)
The metal reflector seems to connect to the big thick generous casing only at the tip of the lip. Hard to tell with pics, but it seems like there is no reflector side to head side contact. If it is only at the lip, it might suggest those nicely designed fins and generous heatsinking available aren't being utalized.
(*edit -I preordered one weeks ago, still waiting on shipping)
Re: Solarforce Masterpiece Pro-I "C" Turbohead Review: Pictures, Beamshots, and more!

Linger- Visualize the Pro1 Head going into the host. The part that makes contact with that dropin is the host like a regular P60 dropin. Heat will go from the dropin to the host to the Pro 1 head.
Re: Solarforce Masterpiece Pro-I "C" Turbohead Review: Pictures, Beamshots, and more!

That is an excellent description. Well done.
Re: Solarforce Masterpiece Pro-I "C" Turbohead Review: Pictures, Beamshots, and more!

yep, jason answered the question well :)

updated the FAQ :crackup:
Re: Solarforce Masterpiece Pro-I "C" Turbohead Review: Pictures, Beamshots, and more!

I don't know if there is a difference in our specific lights, or batteries, or what the difference might be, but my Pro-I outshines my Tiablo A9 Aspherical. I'm using 2xCR123 primaries in each light. What I am basing the outcome on is this: whenever I hold the A9 still on a target between 50yds and 100yds, and move the Pro-I beam across the hotspot of the A9, I can readily see the Pro-I beam move across the A9 hotspot. When I hold the Pro-I hotspot still on the same target(s), and move the A9 beam across it, I can't see the A9 beam moving thru the Pro-I hotspot...

Not very scientific, I know. But it indicated to me that visually at those distances, on those targets, the Pro-I beam was brighter.

The Pro-I is still beat by the dereelight aspherical and the tiablo aspherical.
Re: Solarforce Masterpiece Pro-I "C" Turbohead Review: Pictures, Beamshots, and more!

odd. luxmeter readings say otherwise, but I'm not posting the results as they were quickly done.

are you focusing the A9?

all that matters is that you're happy, anyway! :)
Re: Solarforce Masterpiece Pro-I "C" Turbohead Review: Pictures, Beamshots, and more!

that's an interesting test, I do that myself and I trust the results when I find them that way...
Can you do a beamshot? Set up both lights on the same target and use a steady surface to support the camera for a pic: being able to expand and compare the output may be illustrative.
Re: Solarforce Masterpiece Pro-I "C" Turbohead Review: Pictures, Beamshots, and more!


Dereelight Aspheric

Tiablo A9

Re: Solarforce Masterpiece Pro-I "C" Turbohead Review: Pictures, Beamshots, and more!

the Pro1 Head going into the host. The part that makes contact with that dropin is the host like a regular P60 dropin.

That's part of it, but most interesting is the head of the drop-in. The outer rim of the module is threaded, an apparently matching grade as the outer threading that locks the turbo head (bezel) onto the battery tube. See I thought the drop-in connected the reflector, and they do appear to have surface contact but no comment yet how much of a thermal path that is. What is awesome about the Solarforce Masterpiece Pro1 head is that the drop-in threads directly into the outer body of the turbo head. No question about contact or rattling around, this dropin has a solid connection to the finned sides of the turbohead.
Now I haven't pulled the drop-in apart yet so no comments on thermal path from emitter to pill, but so far the design seems to have a lot of potential to transfer heat from the pill to the outer head.

+1 to Solarforce for that. While it requires a proprietary coupling at this time it's a great innovation.

P.s. Jake25, the L2p is a very nice looking light. Feels different in a way I haven't put a finger on.
Re: Solarforce Masterpiece Pro-I "C" Turbohead Review: Pictures, Beamshots, and more!

Linger I agree, I had quite a few discussions with Solarforce on why they didn't go with industry standard. When I took a step back I realized that's what Solarforce does all the time, and if they had the chance to, I'm sure they would do the same. However I believe the end product is much better, it still gives the option of upgradeability and great performance.
Re: Solarforce Masterpiece Pro-I "C" Turbohead Review: Pictures, Beamshots, and more!

No, I'm not focusing the A9 - I'm using it with the head tightened all the way to resistance, which gives the largest hotspot.

That is likely the difference - Good catch!

are you focusing the A9?

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