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Sold/Expired SOLD to THOM: Aleph III Quad SSC P4!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 22, 2007

FOR SALE: Aleph III Quad SSC P4! This light is a conglomeration of various parts and ideas from various modders and suppliers from around CPF. The light is a lightly used shelf queen. Never carried, only used around the house a bit. It remains in perfect condition.


-HEAD: Aleph III head originally build by Icarus as a Quad-Lux III. The light is fully regulated and optimized to run off of 3xR123s (please use protected cells). The head provides 500 mAs to each emitter. More recently the head has been modernized by CM who replaced the Luxeon III emitters with SSC P4s. This pretty much more than doubled the output while maintaining the same runtime. At 500mA per emitter the 4xSSC should be putting out between 550 and 650 lumens!!!

-BODY: Custom built 3x123 body by Tranquility Base! The anodizing is a great match to the Aleph head.

-TAILCAP: McE2S build by McGizmo. Provides two output levels with push button momentary on switch recessed in protective button guard. Push the button down to get low, little harder for high.

-BEZEL: Custom built Aleph III Ti Bezel ring by Tranquility Base!

So there you have it, a custom light with input from four respected CPF modders and builders: Icarus, Tranquilitybase, CM and McGizmo!!!!

$500 + 4% CC PP Shipping included CONUS
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Re: FOR SALE: Aleph III Quad SSC P4!

I know it is a lot to ask but a want this light so I'll try.... If you can wait 6 days for payment I will take the light. I can put down a non-refundable deposit if you like.

Re: FOR SALE: Aleph III Quad SSC P4!

Thom, Thanks for the offer .....But for now I need to keep this open. I'm looking to make a deposit in the "Bank 0 Troy"
I know it is a lot to ask but a want this light so I'll try.... If you can wait 6 days for payment I will take the light. I can put down a non-refundable deposit if you like.

Re: FOR SALE: Aleph III Quad SSC P4!

C'mon Griff, take his deposit....he's good for it. Worst case scenario is that whomever claims back-up will pay you in 6 days

Re: FOR SALE: Aleph III Quad SSC P4!

Tim, Did I squeeze your head?

C'mon Griff, take his deposit....he's good for it. Worst case scenario is that whomever claims back-up will pay you in 6 days

Re: FOR SALE: Aleph III Quad SSC P4!

C'mon Griff, take his deposit....he's good for it. Worst case scenario is that whomever claims back-up will pay you in 6 days


Thanks for the support!! But griff and I spoke on the phone and have an understanding. I don't think griff had any question of me being "good for it", it seems, just like many of us here, he has immediate plans for the funds. This is an awesome light a truly a steal. If donn_ sees it, I imagine it'll be gone to a good home soon after.

Re: FOR SALE: Aleph III Quad SSC P4!

Here at The Bank of Troy we expect timely deposits and do not make short term unsecured loans. :devil:

HMMMM...... I've got a Swedish wife I could put up for security. She is good look'n makes her own money and keeps a me in a clean house while being well feed. She is not compatible with flashoholic though. She has no compassion for the compulsion and frequently provides ample amounts of gilt and grievances. I'll loan her out interest free to griff as long as needed, assuming she'll work as security on his loan. Just let me know, I'll have to stop buy the hardware store to pick up more duct tape.

Re: FOR SALE: Aleph III Quad SSC P4!

HMMMM...... I've got a Swedish wife I could put up for security. She is good look'n makes her own money and keeps a me in a clean house while being well feed. She is not compatible with flashoholic though. She has no compassion for the compulsion and frequently provides ample amounts of gilt and grievances. I'll loan her out interest free to griff as long as needed, assuming she'll work as security on his loan. Just let me know, I'll have to stop buy the hardware store to pick up more duct tape.


The Bank of Troy will take into consideration, shall we say, special circumstances. If the collateral in question resembles Eva Longoria or Jessica Alba, we would definitely run the deal back through underwriting.
Re: FOR SALE: Aleph III Quad SSC P4!

Thom, The Light is yours !
Pay when you can.
Keep me posted!
Re: FOR SALE: Aleph III Quad SSC P4!

The Bank of Troy will take into consideration, shall we say, special circumstances. If the collateral in question resembles Eva Longoria or Jessica Alba, we would definitely run the deal back through underwriting.

Well, how about Elin Grindemyr would that work? We have been asked if my wife is related to her...... I'd say it's pretty close.

Re: FOR SALE: Aleph III Quad SSC P4!

Thom, The Light is yours !
Pay when you can.
Keep me posted!

:eek:!!HOLY BROWN BOX , THAT'S SUPER DUPER!!:drunk::grouphug:

Thanks so very much..... If a deposit helps let me know.

This is why the CPF community is something so special and unique. I've not been part of any other forum or online community with such chivalry and goodwill. Here's hoping it comes back to you ten fold.

THANKS!! Well she did take a job in the most craptastic city I've ever lived in, so it's not all good. But yeah, it could be worse if you meant the wife. If you ment the light then HELL YEAH!!!
