Some lessons from my TSHTF experience


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 19, 2004
Northern Virginia
I have seen it coming so it wasn't a total surprise but still I got caught off guard somewhat.

My spouse decided not to be involved in the marriage anymore and gave me a good kick in the you-know-what. Filed a bogus protective order. The Law came and gave me about 5 minutes to get my stuff and leave the house until the final ruling.

The idea was to knock me off my feet. A few days later she filed for divorce, hoping that the PO would help her. It's a standard operating procedure.

This is in one of the wealthiest and most liberal counties in US and they sign the PO requests without reading. You can literally put anything you want in it and they will sign it. I had a court date and I won, kind of. They overturned the PO but she did kick me out of the house for 2 weeks until they sorted things out, which was her intention. Had a settlement where we got 50/50 joint custody so that in itself was a big accomplishment as the court system is biased against men. Many men just get visitation. I had some evidence for them how she goes on her wild screaming rages. I overturned the bogus PO with my witnesses and evidence -- after I spent much funds on lawyers, on hotel. Also considering the huge emotional damage this caused to me and to my son, seeing his father forcefully ejected from the house at 10 at night. It's difficult to do anything when you are out of the house, living in hotels (assuming you even have the funds)

I panicked and took all of my Malkoff lites when was leaving but forgot some essential things like GPS, computer and misc.

The lesson is

Not marrying someone without knowing the person for 5 years is number 1

have essentials in the car at all times.

Remove all the valuable things from the house when you see which way the things are going.

Make a backup of the essential data on the computer and take it off site.

I had many lites with me but the lite which proved to be most valuable at that time was a 3P clone modded with the (relatively) dim Nichia 5mm. I dont care for the Vampire feature but load it with fresh 123 cells and it runs and runs. In total darkness, its pretty bright even if it lacks the morale boost of Malkoff.

Anyway, that's not important.

Now I am back in the house after enduring this violation and abuse. Will take me a week to clean up the mess she left. HDTV is gone, Blu-ray is gone, even my clothes iron is gone. Luckily I didnt really have anything else valuable. Will shop for another 37-40 HDTV, maybe Sony Bravia, once I get the tax refund. My son has been watching cartoons on the laptop. Not the same thing.

All that was just a terribly cruel and immature thing to do.

She thinks her life will improve but she substituted a minor problem with potentially much larger problems that come when you are a (quasy) single parent.

Have to find a good lawyer for the custody thing.

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