Sold/Expired SPF WTS:BitZ flashlight $125.00 SPF

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Jun 6, 2006
SPF>>>>One BitZ flashlight up for sale. It is completley unused,unmarred,uncarried and as new just received from Lighthound other than me playing with it at my desk for a bit. Beautiful light just a bit too small for me being a twisty and such I cant get used to it. All doodads are there and I will even include the keychain light LH always throws in .

$125.00 includes First Class uninsured mail in CONUS only. Insurance ,tracking would be a bit more.

Really only want to accept Money Order or Check/cash at this time want to avoid PP since I dont want the dinero stuck in my PP CC acct. but will relent to PP (which would add 3% PP fees,)if absolutley necessary if no takers on MO/Check methods.

1st unconditional "I'll Take It" gets dibs. SPF

Will post a pic tomorrow if needed too tired right now.. Going to bed now ,PM/post with questions and I will check first thing in the a.m. EST
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Re: WTS:BitZ flashlight $125.00

Nice grab! Ten buck off and already quality assured. 🙂 These are nice lights.
:twothumbs My Bitz light arrived today :twothumbs

I am REALLY impressed with this sweet little light. Just a hair bigger than my Nautilus but with a bunch more features. Now my only dilema... which one do I carry?:thinking:

Thanks Luminata for a great buy and a speedy turn around on shipping! :thumbsup:
