Spy 007 Pics


Nov 28, 2003
Kansas City, MO
Yes, it's as sweet as we've been thinking....:twothumbs






:eek:where is the drule icon. Thanks for the pics dad. Now I need to figure out my plan of attack on round two. I Must have one.
?What is the weight diff between the pds/007?
Thanks Troy:thumbsup: It sure is the looker we expected. Match that with the form factor and UI of the 005 and it's clear why this was gone in 60 seconds:clap:.
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That light is in a class well above and all on its own. :thumbsup:
That light is in a class well above and all on its own. :thumbsup:

Don't kid yourself Don. You're right there with Dave in the same class. You might be a step behind him this particular week, but I suspect as you continue working on those "vapor" ideas, you'll be neck and neck in no time. Damn, I like creative flashlight competition!

It's clear to many both makers offer the pinnacle of lighting, in classes that are incomparable.
Undisputed Champions each in thier own class:party::thumbsup:!

Now back to the pics:poke:!
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WOW, I love those pictures Dad. Good lighting.

I am getting my LunaSol this week and I can't wait. Other than my light and the Wee I had for a short time (I loved it but so did our queen), it is my first Ti light.



ps. my Damascus Wee is coming some day too
I am getting my LunaSol this week and I can't wait. ......



Yeah, well I am getting my Spy 007 so :nana:

I win! :D

Seriously, I think the design and sculpting of the 007 is just astounding. Functional art to appreciate now and in the future.

What is the depth of the counter bore in the knob? I am thinking it would make a nice cavity for some H3 in a clear Norland inlay? The vial could even serve as a volume indicator?!? :thinking:
It's clear to many both makers offer the pinnacle of lighting, in classes that are incomparable.
Undisputed Champions each in thier own class:party::thumbsup:!

:huh2: This Hodsta is showing signs of intelligence, common sense and good taste all in one post. :goodjob: Well, there is that obvious but :kiss:

:wave: Howdy Hodster! :grin2:

:laughing: Me :duck:


"Yes, it's as sweet as we've been thinking."

Great pics! :thumbsup: But that`s it??? "sweet" :wtf: You just recieved a Ti Spy-007 :bow: and I do not see your hand touching it in those pictures! :shakehead SHAME ON YOU FOR A WHOLE WEEK!!! :twak:

:laughing: Me again :duck:
Yeah, well I am getting my Spy 007 so :nana:

I win! :D

Seriously, I think the design and sculpting of the 007 is just astounding. Functional art to appreciate now and in the future.

What is the depth of the counter bore in the knob? I am thinking it would make a nice cavity for some H3 in a clear Norland inlay? The vial could even serve as a volume indicator?!? :thinking:

Thank you partner! It would not be possible with out your and Wayne's input and parts. It was your idea to put an o-ring around the knob. And Wayne's STFu is so awesome . . . don't get me started.

The recess in the knob is .055 deep. I just took one of my trit vials and slid it across my diamond stone till it whacked off .005 and it fits flush.

The vial could even serve as a volume indicator?!? :thinking:

Funny thing, is the SPY 007 reminds me of a portable headphone amplifier. In fact, the SPY 007 is the only fllashlight I've bought that costs more than my best portable headphone amplifier/USB DAC. Of course, none of my headphone amps are made out of Titanium. :D