SPY005 - Observations (a quick & dirty breakdown)


**Do Not Feed The Vegan**,
May 2, 2006
On the asphalt.
Instead of cluttering Dave's thread, here's a quick overview of this nifty light, that I thought others could add their thoughts and observations to. :)

First, I gotta say, how friggin cool & tiny! I knew it was small, but had no idea what I was in for! Seriously awesome engineering! :thumbsup:

Here's the two lights I bought - a Ti SPY005 Cree, and a Ti SPY005 Seoul:


They each have a tiny bit of "off" anodizing, near the inset area by the knob - it's not bare aluminum, but it's not nearly as black as the rest of the HA. If you look carefully at the light on the bottom in the photo above, right under the knob, you can see an example of what I'm talking about. Nothing big at all, but thought I'd point it out. :)

Here's the business ends of the two lights:

Seoul on top, Cree on bottom (Level 6 - 1000mA)

As you can see, the Cree's reflector has been modified to fit the head properly. Pretty nice, IMHO.

Now, onto a quick beamshot - distance about 2 feet.

Cree on the left, Seoul on the right

Although the (crummy) photo really doesn't show it, the Cree's beam pattern is ringy (which was expected), and a tighter and brighter flood. The Seoul had a very smooth beam, and a wide and dimmer flood. About the same size hotspot, although to my eyes, the Cree seems a tad brighter. As you which one you'd prefer :shrug: I'm not you! ;)

As noted, the knob operates very smoothly while switching between levels - it feels very natural and sturdy.. easy to turn from one level to the next, but has just the right amount of resistance to stay at your chosen level. I guess we can chalk that up to Dave's great engineering of the light, and Wayne's killer STFu board - great collaboration there! (Wayne, what would we do without you?!?)

Overall, what an amazing light! I can see why we don't see them on BST often.. very very nice work, Dave! A very unique, very well-built, very simple, very functional, very cool looking, very awesome light! (very.)

Thanks for making them available to us Dave! :twothumbs

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very jealous here!
keep me in mind if you decide to unload one:rolleyes:
Looks like both of your lights have tritium slots

SF2 - Nope! Those are the insets for the lanyard hole, and the small indent where the serial number is (leftover I think from the original SPY005 run?) - no viable Trit slots in either of mine! :( :shrug: :)


EDIT: Ok, Data made me feel stupid! Both of 'em DO have Trit slots! Duh!
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I did not pay any attention to who got tritium slots. I did not want to play any favorites and besides, I had too much on my mind to do so anyway.

However having said that, I see in your pictures that both of your lights do have tritium slots. :grin2:

See this pic for an example.


My ano shop told me the black dye did not take there because the silicon cap used to protect the knob bearing surface held some of the ano fluid. :( It is easy to cover with a black sharpie or better yet a black CD writer pen.


PS> I think I agree with you, in my visual tests, the Cree hot spot looked just a little brighter.
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Ahhh.. you be right sir! Trit slots indeed! In the head - duh! :eek:

Thanks Dave! :) And now to find that B@rt guy... :whistle:

Is it normal to have a bit of wiggle in the knob? It doesn't affect function so I'm just wondering?

Hey Dave,

I believe it's normal - both of my knobs have a bit of play once they're "locked" into a level. :) It's a nice amount of play though, IMHO!

The small round indent where the serial number is is the alignment mark for where the silver button of the battery cap goes when putting the cap on.

Not all of the new SPY005's have a serial number (mine does not), so the small round indent is in between the two slots for the lanyard.
I did a little comparison with the SPY005 and the XR-19C last night. From eyeballing it, low on the XR-19 was around level 3 on the SPY and high was in between level 5 and 6. The XR19 has a little more throw and is a lot warmer with regards to the tint. The SPY is the whitest light I have owned. Very usefull beam and very bright. Fit and finish on mine is perfect! I must say I bought the SPY on a whim not really knowing a lot about it, very glad now that I did. Between the XR-19 and the SPY I feel I have the 2 finest flashlights built today.

Thanks to all involved!

PS There is a little movement with the rotary switch but barely noticable.
Also what size are the trits used for the SPY005 slots? Thanks guys,


I want Bernie's 007 ti-Spy too!

Great beamshots, john...I like the look of that Seoul a bit better, but they're both good beams.