SSC P7 Mag mod

old4570 I'm surprised you can't find the information yourself you been very active here the last 7 months, if you look up near the top of the page there is a little Google box that will limit you search to CPF only. See the how to search CPF link in mt sig line. (Sorry I get grumpy about threads that asking for information that is already available :scowl: ).
Google search
I have built a number of lights using KD P7 reflector

Makes for a very finished look, you will have to remove some material around the top of the reflector to get the bezel to screw down fully. To me the beam is perfect with no sign of a donut hole. Don't be tempted to buy KD reflector with heatsink use one of the proper P7 mag heatsinks.
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old4570 I'm surprised you can't find the information yourself you been very active here the last 7 months, if you look up near the top of the page there is a little Google box that will limit you search to CPF only. See the how to search CPF link in mt sig line. (Sorry I get grumpy about threads that asking for information that is already available :scowl: ).
Google search
I have built a number of lights using KD P7 reflector

Makes for a very finished look, you will have to remove some material around the top of the reflector to get the bezel to screw down fully. To me the beam is perfect with no sign of a donut hole. Don't be tempted to buy KD reflector with heatsink use one of the proper P7 mag heatsinks.

I did do a search , but I still wanted an idea of which is the best from people who have actually done the mod , Im slowly doing a sandwich driver , so will hopefully have 2.6A + 3 modes ..

Just wanted opinions on the reflectors ... ESP as there are so many to chose from :D I didn't want a collection of reflectors like my P60 pill collection .
PS/ That was the KD OP reflector with 8.5mm hole .. [ Yes I did look before asking ] Most mods , seem to go for the reflector that sits lower down , is it the bottom of the P7 heatsink ?
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Most mods , seem to go for the reflector that sits lower down , is it the bottom of the P7 heatsink ?
The reflector sits hard against the black plastic that surrounds the P7 lens.
Grumpy ain't I? :rant:
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The heat sink sits hard against the black plastic that surrounds the P7 lens.
Grumpy ain't I? :rant:

Naaa you mis-understood .. Yes I know yours sits on the rim surrounding the lens on the emitter , Im just wondering about the ones that sit down on the heatsink [ 15mm holes ] ..

Just wondering how good the beam is when the emitter sits up higher in the reflector . And how focusable / adjustable they are ...
Define "best reflector". Smoothest beam? Best throw? Best balance of throw and spill? Ease of installation? Low cost?

I've used KD ProductID=5632. No donut hole with this reflector either. It is a drop-in reflector -- no trimming/mod'ing necessary, but it costs a lot more than the one that Norm linked.

Also, the 15 mm reflector opening is wide enough to completely clear the P7's heat sink pedestal so that the reflector can go below the level of the P7's case. However, best focus is when the edge of the reflector opening is about even with the case, so the ability to go lower is pointless. So perhaps Norm's reflector is a better choice. Or if you don't want to do any trimming to fit the reflector, you can try the 8.3mm opening version, ProductID=5633.

Like any OP reflector, the 5632 gives up some throw vs the stock smooth Mag reflector in exchange for a smoother beam. But you can focus the stock reflector to get a fairly good quality beam out of a P7. Just not as good as for an OP reflector. If you have a single die LED like an SSC P4, however, I personally think it is a waste of money to buy a new reflector. The stock Mag reflector produces an excellent beam with a P4.
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I have a reflector from DX that might be the same as Norm's.
It does work well. Very smooth beam with a larger hotspot than the stock reflector but it still has good throw. Grinding it to fit properly is kind of a pain though.
If you don't have access to a lathe like me :( put a mill ******* in the vice and hold onto the work and rotate between each stroke, the reflector will be nice and even, there will be some aluminium dust on the surface of the reflector, wash the reflector using liquid soap and warm water rubbing gently with your fingers, rinse well and air dry. You may see some spots from the water but there not very obvious and won't effect the performance of the reflector.
If you don't have access to a lathe like me :( put a mill ******* in the vice and hold onto the work and rotate between each stroke, the reflector will be nice and even, there will be some aluminium dust on the surface of the reflector

I used a bench grinder... you need to take your time however as it really hots up (as will your fingers), covering the base & top-of-rim with an adhesive tape shield prevents that dust getting into the reflector, patience will pay dividends :thumbsup:

Best design feature with that reflector is it's depth IMHO, being shallower than a stock Mag' reflector it seems to work a little better with focusing etc. for the multi emitter set up ;)
i used the OP aluminum removable cam one that KD sells, it works perfect with the DHS heatsink.

excellent beam and great throw.

the stock Mag reflector with the cam cut off and the DHS heatsync makes for an insane thrower.