ssc p7 torch, help for too wide beam


Newly Enlightened
Jun 8, 2008

i have this mte ssc- p7 torch

It's nice, very bright (not 900lux.....) but the beam it's too wide,

i need a strong and deep beam......

Were can i find a reflector for a nice throw?

If it's not's ok also a link to buy another ssc-p7 torch with super throw beam

many thanks

....and compliments for this forum!

I'm sorry for my bad english.


any information to upgrade my's gold metal for me.
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Hi pitonci69,
Welcome to CPF!
From my limited experience, the design of the P7 seems to dictate a wider beam. Do you feel that the P7 does not throw far enough? I thought that at first but when I compared it to some of my long throwers, I found that the P7 was throwing almost as far and with a much wider beam.

Here's a thread that compares a P7 with some other "throwers".

If you need a very narrow beam with long throw, check out this thread on throwers: It reviews and compares most of the production throwers. One of these may suit your needs.
as the P7 LED has four dice, the bright area is too big to focus properly, so you won't get the throw as with 'normal' LEDs unless you use a really huge reflector
thanks a lot for prompt reply!

unfortunately my beam it's not long......but only wide.
If i compare it with beam of q5 + 18650 (direct) the spot it's big but a less deep......

Now i try to adapt an aluminium reflector for q5 to use in p7 torch.

thanks also for interesting links
The Seoul P7 has a 4x larger emitting area then a Cree XR-E die. So you'll need a much larger reflector to have the same beam pattern as a Cree XR-E with a reflector.

Usually we say how far a light throws.

Using the reflector used with the Cree XR-E Q5 with the P7 will not make the beam narrower.

Lux is a measurent of throw/output at an area. Lumen is used to meansure overall output. The light is probably around 300-400 lumen out the front.

If you want lots of throw, look at Cree XR-E light with a similar sized reflector as the P7 light you have. You should get a narrower beam and probably more throw.

This has been mentioned so much and I've been trying to figure it out.

The Seoul P7 has a 4x larger emitting area then a Cree XR-E die. So you'll need a much larger reflector to have the same beam pattern as a Cree XR-E with a reflector.

So the P7 MAG mods should be doing well with throw...? The reflectors are much bigger - and deeper, I suppose - than anything except the Surefire turbo head reflectors. Maybe the Dereelight DBS reflector is deeper? - But anyway, it's the diameter we're more concerned with here.

Is the P7 width greater than a typical incan bulb? (Because many of those focus well enough for throw in reflectors like the "medium size" Surefire reflectors.)
The P7 can not be focussed too tightly. Instead of a small spot you get 4 spots.
You can see this in rizky_p's aspheric beamshots: (last photo)
By the time the light is defocussed enough so the 4 spots merge into one the hotspot is very wide.

The mag reflector P7 does not throw as well as the Malkoff Cree XRE. It does provide a lot more close up light. See Ernsanada's review: (Scroll to the bottom for his outdoor beamshots)

If you need throw stick with the Cree-XRE/SSC-P4 throwers.

L-mini Q5 left, MTE P7 right

The L-mini out throws the P7 despite having a much smaller reflector.
P7 top,
L-mini bottom
So the P7 MAG mods should be doing well with throw...? The reflectors are much bigger - and deeper, I suppose - than anything except the Surefire turbo head reflectors. Maybe the Dereelight DBS reflector is deeper? - But anyway, it's the diameter we're more concerned with here.

Is the P7 width greater than a typical incan bulb? (Because many of those focus well enough for throw in reflectors like the "medium size" Surefire reflectors.)

The P7 has much more emitting area then most Incan bulbs.

Both diameter and depth are factors of throw, presuming same emitting surface.

The way I think about it(I'm not sure if it's right) larger diameter = narrower beam, deeper reflector = more light in the hotspot.

The Dereelight DBS reflectors are much deeper then the Maglite ones. A Seoul P4 in the same reflector as a Seoul P7 will have a narrower beam and possibly more throw(at least visually). This is due to the larger emitting surface. But the P7s do pretty well throw wise with the Maglite reflector, partially due to the sheer output.
ElektroLumens makes a "P7 Longthrow" light. It has a 3" reflector. I have some beamshots in the led section. It is a 200 yard + thower, and I would guess at least 500 lumens.
The P7 can not be focussed too tightly. Instead of a small spot you get 4 spots.
You can see this in rizky_p's aspheric beamshots: (last photo)
By the time the light is defocussed enough so the 4 spots merge into one the hotspot is very wide.

The mag reflector P7 does not throw as well as the Malkoff Cree XRE. It does provide a lot more close up light. See Ernsanada's review: (Scroll to the bottom for his outdoor beamshots)

If you need throw stick with the Cree-XRE/SSC-P4 throwers.

I have to ask you a question. Have you done any work with SCC P7 modded lights, Maglites in particular?

I have done a few SSC P7 mods on different lights and I have to say that the P7 Maglites with stock smooth reflector do indeed outthrow everything else I have, including my own Mag SSC P4 Malkoff type build (which is more powerful than a Malkoff dropin).

It's one thing to relate to short distance beamshot comparisons and another to do it in a dark environment over longer distances. Even a small 18650 powered light with an OP reflector will throw very decently with an SSC P7 driven over 2A.

Here are some beamshots up to 250 meters:


:) I came here to point to your beamshots, after reading that thread again tonight, but you've done it yourself.

StefanFS said:
It's one thing to relate to short distance beamshot comparisons and another to do it in a dark environment over longer distances.

I've noticed that people have different definitions of what throw is.

Ernsenada's beamshots show that the Elektrolumens P7 adjusted to wide focus does better at lighting the yard from 32 feet than the Elektrolumens MT-III 3 x P4. In the photo of it on tight focus, going by the reflection off the plant in the center, it might also be better at a greater distance. 32 feet is about 10 meters. My P3D does that ok.

StefanFS said:
Even a small 18650 powered light with an OP reflector will throw very decently with an SSC P7 driven over 2A.

I'm interested in seeing how the Wolf Eyes P7 Sniper does - 2.2A. And the Dereelight, especially if they design a reflector for it.
Here are Ernsenada's beamshots:
and here is where you buy one:
and get an aspherical lens
you can focus until you see the images of the dies
Ernsenada's beamshots show that the Elektrolumens P7 adjusted to wide focus does better at lighting the yard from 32 feet than the Elektrolumens MT-III 3 x P4. In the photo of it on tight focus, going by the reflection off the plant in the center, it might also be better at a greater distance. 32 feet is about 10 meters. My P3D does that ok.

The Wolf Eyes looks about the same size as the MTEs. Maybe a better beam but I do not think the throw will increase much.
The Dereelight will be another matter, especially if they design a reflector for it.
I'm interested in seeing how the Wolf Eyes P7 Sniper does - 2.2A. And the Dereelight, especially if they design a reflector for it.

Nope, I live down town, lots of streetlights, neighbours too close. I actually have Press & Seal diffusing film wrapped around the lens of my 2C M@gLED to turn it into a floodlight. I find that too big and have been hesitating and hesitating over getting one of the even bigger Elektrolumens P7 Mags.
I have to ask you a question. Have you done any work with SCC P7 modded lights, Maglites in particular?

From the picture the OP has a 2nd generation MTE 18650 SSC-P7 light and is complaining about the too wide beam. Personally I hate narrow beams.
It's one thing to relate to short distance beamshot comparisons and another to do it in a dark environment over longer distances. Even a small 18650 powered light with an OP reflector will throw very decently with an SSC P7 driven over 2A.[/URL]
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