Stay out of Lake Havasu

It is unfortunate that this child died. He was one of my son's schoolmates. I do find it odd though that only 23 people have died from this between 1995-2004 (9 years?). Regardless... wouldn't bother me in the least bit if the channel under the bridge was shut down. I haven't been able to go there for years because of the "tourists" who think it such a hoot to trash our town on the weekends. OH! wait!! I DID get to go there last year!... to recover the dead body of an 11 year old child whose parents were so drunk, they didn't notice the kid swimming in the channel that was full of carbon monoxide from the hundreds (literally) of boats idling... :scowl:
are the lakes here in ga safe?i swim in lake lanier at around 2 am almost everynight.its nice because there is no people at all at that time
Hey Raggie, I heard somewhere that Jawjah gators come out to play about 2am.

BTW Rags, I deckhanded for a while on a hard fishing shrimp boat named "Georgia Girl".
lol criters dont scare me. and i love shrimp i been shrimping a few times but it was under a brgide with a colemans latern and a fine mess net on a pole
...i swim in lake lanier at around 2 am almost everynight...
...and the locals "thought" they had a "Loch Ness Monster" in Lake Lanier! It was only raggie!! :crackup:

Those snapping turtles can be nasty too! Better keep your shorts on! :ohgeez:
lol sigman. them turtles do scare me that and glass. and fishing line the lake is down so low now i see all kinda stuff.last week they found a full bridge under the lake they knew it was there before but guess no one ever saw it since they made the lake it was like 100 feet down.i also saw a lcd tv in there last week not sure why some one would throw a tv in lake
lol or a dolphins fan like me lol they lost every game so far thats 4 games lost my falcons stink to they only 1 a game
I don't think ameoba's like electronic circuitboards very much.
Silver is an antiseptic last I heard.

This is serious stuff though.
As a kid, I instinctively never liked water going up my nose when swimming.
Looks like my instincts were right about something. :eek:oo:
Yeow, snapping turtles ROFL. Bad image.

Anyway I'm going to think twice about swimming in some places down south now. I'm pretty sure the frigid lakes up here in WA will be low risk for awhile still. But nose clips... are.... so... un-cool. Perhaps a Dive mask.

Sasha, I have to come clean and admit I was one of those tourists. I visited the London Bridge around 10 years ago. Sorry :p. I haven't seen the area in awhile but if there are even more various personal watercraft there now, I have no reason to go back.
Yeah, all kidding aside, this is serious news. Who would've thought that a potential consequence of global warming + artificial lake with little water exchange = brain eating bacteria. The jump in the number of cases in recent times is startling.

My first reaction is to wonder whether the water can be treated with anything, but any such treatment would likely throw the whole lifecycle of the lake out of whack and possibly cause other problems in the process.
this is the same thing that they have trouble with in hot springs sometimes and also in England in the roman baths. My mom out in AZ was just asking me about it.

Raggie, from reading about the thing I dont think that central or northern GA is a good breading ground for them. You might want to stay out of the water if it's had a water temp of over 80 degrees though. That is when they start to get bad.
I guess that depends on your definition of trouble......

Really, most of us locals stay away from the beach and the roads to the Island during spring break. We welcome the kids, want them to have as much fun as possible without getting hurt and then leave.

Then we go back to the beach.
Oh! Turtles. Bring in a company of Chinamen and they will eat them all. Or, alternatively, bring in some Japanese and they will eat them raw!

Just a joke. No offence meant.