stinger problems


Newly Enlightened
Dec 2, 2004
ok so i bought a stinger through the internet. i opened the box and i was a little shocked to find that there was no lens. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ooo.gif i emailed the place i bought it from a few days ago and they havent answered me. the website does not have a phone # where i can contact them either. so i went out today and bought a lens for it, andthere is no way i can get the reflector housing apart to put the lens in. if i call streamlight will they help out and send a new reflector with a lens? or should i just eat the $10 and buy a new one?
When I had to change my bezel due to a problem, I was sent the entire assembly - reflector, lens and bezel - as a single unit, so it appears that they are not orderable seperately. I ordered it through Brightguy. Where did you get the lens from?
Streamlight will probably send out a bezel/lens/reflector replacement, especially if the box was sealed from the factory.

If you run into difficulties, let me know, as I have the tool to pop the reflector and bezel apart.

i got the lens through a local cop shop, i know you can order every part seperately i just didnt know you needed a special tool to pop the reflector off the bezel. thank you for your offer dano, i will keep you updated as soon as i talk to streamlight (of course they are closed on weekends!)