Streamlight Ultra Stinger bulb swap.


Newly Enlightened
Mar 11, 2023
South of Houma
I'm a long time lurker who has a flashlight addiction.
I have an older (10 year +Streamlight ) Ultra Stinger whichuses a Streamlight Xenon Bulb 78914.

I would like to upgrade to an LED bulb that is brighter.
Does such a bulb exist? If yes, anyone have any experience with it?

Thank you.
Hi LSU. Welcome to CPF!

Here is one possibility,
Terralux TLE-ST1-EX MiniStar ST/EX LED Upgrade Conversion Kit for Streamlight Stinger, Stinger XT and PolyStinger

Streamlight Stinger Classic Upgrade Kit

...but the truth is you'll get far better performance for about half the price with another light altogether.

Xenon Stingers have a lot of value, and if you're not happy with yours, someone will buy it from you. And you have to ask yourself why they're so expensive if LED is better. I recommend you question your assumptions.
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Chillinn- "but the truth is you'll get far better performance for about half the price with another light altogether."

I agree but I like the way this light feels and it has been through a lot of hurricanes down here.

I want to keep it.

I'll have a look at your suggestions. Thanks.
Can vouch for lumens factory. I have a bunch of stuff from them and it's great. I do find some of their drop ins a bit floody especially in the e-series and M-series Surefire (their LED drop ins). Great tint on the neutrals and beautiful warm in the warms.
Keep in mind the Ultra Stinger/Stinger HP aren't bulb compatible with most of the other Stingers in the kits posted here. This is the one for the Ultra:

Regarding upgrade/replace there are pros and cons for each. The incan Ultra Stinger is a lighter, slightly smaller, and better looking light than the Ultra Stinger LED, and an upgrade LED is less than half the cost of a new one. The new Ultra Stinger LED has multiple brightness settings, a new battery and smart charger, and I'm sure the beam and thermal management is better than an upgrade. Although the Ultra Stinger LED beam is a VERY tight spot without much spill. I think you'd want to decide whether the performance or feel of the light is more important.

Stingers don't really sell for much on eBay but you'd probably get $40-60 for it an Ultra Stinger kit, depending, so that'd soften the blow of buying a new one.

Stinger, Ultra Stinger, Ultra Stinger LED:
L to R : FiveMega Carley 43w Custom(1450 Lumens) - Ultra Stinger Bulb - WA 1160 Bulb

Notice the wide post on the WA 1160 Bulb as compared to the stock Ultra Bulb.

You have to bend them carefully and insert the WA 1160 into the ceramic socket of the Ultra Stinger. Didn't remember doing this but its been riding there probably 16 years. Works great and nice and bright.
L to R : FiveMega Carley 43w Custom(1450 Lumens) - Ultra Stinger Bulb - WA 1160 Bulb
View attachment 60350

Notice the wide post on the WA 1160 Bulb as compared to the stock Ultra Bulb.

You have to bend them carefully and insert the WA 1160 into the ceramic socket of the Ultra Stinger. Didn't remember doing this but its been riding there probably 16 years. Works great and nice and bright.
View attachment 60351
Can I ask how did you get the ultra stinger bulb out of the plastic base? I have about 10 spare bulbs, and have almost no use for any of them. As the light does not seem to burn them out. I would like to put one in a mag light, but I can't get the base off.

I did get it to light up temporarily on two lithium ions, and it was a very bright and white
Can I ask how did you get the ultra stinger bulb out of the plastic base? I have about 10 spare bulbs, and have almost no use for any of them. As the light does not seem to burn them out. I would like to put one in a mag light, but I can't get the base off.

I did get it to light up temporarily on two lithium ions, and it was a very bright and white

They're potted in with ceramic glue that'll crack with a little wiggling. But I'd probably sell them. They go for around $10 a pop.
They're potted in with ceramic glue that'll crack with a little wiggling. But I'd probably sell them. They go for around $10 a pop.
Thanks. Unfortunately, I am in Canada. So no one is going to buy one from me. As shipping is more than what is worth selling things like that unless I can find a buyer here that wants them.
Thanks I got it out. But I was incorrect in a previous statement. When host, with some hydrating 18650s at 75% charge. Half a second of light and pop. so this bulb is not suitable for dual lithium ions. Well at least now I know. And I'm not not going to waste time trying to build a lithium ion battery for this.
I was able to crack the ceramic glue free, but I still could not pull the ball out. I ended up using a Dremel to make a notch in the plastic bulb holder, Enough to get it off. I don't think I compromise the bulb in anyway though. I was very careful.

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