streamlight pp lux


Newly Enlightened
Mar 29, 2005
Ok this is a dumb question, but I am about to order one and would like to know. I have seen pictures but would like opinions. To me the yellow looks cheap. Like a generic plastic light. That really doesnt matter performance wise, but it just bugs me. What do you think? cheap looking or does it look better in real life?
If you don't like it, just order the black one. They do have it in two colors. The yellow is a somewhat bright indusrtrial safety type yellow.

Some people prefer (or may even require) the yellow for safety purposes in industrial use. If it looks cheap to you, it really shouldn't matter what others think; it will still look cheap to you if that is what you've concluded.

Personally, I have several of both and don't really care which color I use (unless it is for a specific purpose that requires a specific color). But you're right, it has no impact on performance :D And the plastic is definitely not cheap or frail, it holds up better than it would if it were aluminum.

jbg23 said:
Ok this is a dumb question, but I am about to order one and would like to know. I have seen pictures but would like opinions. To me the yellow looks cheap. Like a generic plastic light. That really doesnt matter performance wise, but it just bugs me. What do you think? cheap looking or does it look better in real life?
Yeah I just ordered the yellow one. I figure that if I drop it in the woods it will be easier to find.
I think the yellow looks cool. All my other lights are either black, olive drab or grey in color. The yellow stands out and adds color to my collection:)
Given an option, I always go for the bright colored flashlights simply because you can see them better in the dark. More than once I've laid a flashlight down on the ground around a campsite at night only to find it very dificult to find it. The high vis yellow is my favorite. If black or silver is offered, I usually opt for the silver.

I have several UK 4AA LED lights. One of them came in black. I distested the color so much that I wrapped bright colored tape around it so I could easily find it.

On the other hand, when I was younger I thought everything black or subdued was cool. I also preferred black motorcycles. As I've gotten older I have switched from cool to just wanting to be more visible :)
Whats up you can't make up your own mind on what color to buy? Don't be that insecure that you need our approval on such a silly thing. People ask the dumbest questions.

jbg23 said:
Ok this is a dumb question, but I am about to order one and would like to know. I have seen pictures but would like opinions. To me the yellow looks cheap. Like a generic plastic light. That really doesnt matter performance wise, but it just bugs me. What do you think? cheap looking or does it look better in real life?
give the guy a break, it's a valid question. He even said it was going to be a dumb question.

Anyway, let us know how you like it.
Actually, I'm surprised that the color/visibility of flashlights is not discussed more often. A prime example is the flashlight I keep in my rear motorcycle trunk. When I need it, its usually already getting dark. Trying to find a small black flashlight in a dark trunk full of stuff is quite a chore. So - emergency/survival lights are brightly colored for my tastes. Of course, I acknowledge that a AAA ARC on a keyring is cool and serves its purpose :)
The black one generally is considered better looking. To me however, the black one looks ugly compared to my yellow UK eLED. I'll deffinately get a yellow one next time.
wow dude, this is probably the most worthless thing that you could have replied. I clearly stated that it is a dumb question. I also stated that the light looks cheesy, not will this color make my *** look fat. It has nothing to do with personal insecurities, but spending my money on a cheap piece of poop light. The color makes it look cheap. stop being such an internet commando, ok guy.
jgay said:
Yes it would be nice if it was a nicely machined and black anodized light. I got the black color and I think it looks pretty good vs yellow .

Taken from another thread. Why do you care what is looks like?