Streamlight Scorpion with Strion bulb from Lighthound

Sid Post

Newly Enlightened
May 25, 2001
Arizona, USA
I was buying a new Fenix light and randomly caught a link to a Streamlight flashlight I had never considered. Lighthound took some Streamlight Scorpion flashlights and had them drilled out for a rechargeable 18650 battery. The light is now equipped with a Streamlight Strion bulb.

I think I really lucked out with this find and random purchase. I got the Ultrafire charger and an extra battery for the flashlight. So far, I'm impressed with the overall purchase. I have not run the battery down enough to need a recharge so, the performance of the UltraFire 2400maH protected cell is still under test but, it seems like a good value so far. The charger works well based on the limited one time use it has seen so far.

The flashlight itself is a good deal. I caught it on sale for $29.99 so the price was great. This puts it into the same price range as the entry level Chinese lights. The light quality itself is a little bit of a mixed bag with the artifacts in the beam. It has a nice dull brownish hot spot and a lot of side spill. Overall, not a good light if you need "throw" with its dull color, beam artifacts in the hot spot, and all the side spill. However, for clearing a sidewalk at night and similar activities, it works like a charm. The small size, rubber texture body, and great side spill make this an excellent candidate for walking a dog at night or walking out to your car in a parking lot after dark.

$30 price point! ;)
18650 rechargeable batteries for guilt free lumen's
great side spill
small size (easy to hold but, not as small a SureFire for example)
grippy rubber textured body

dull color from the bulb (maybe I need a different battery?)
beam artifacts from the bulb

I got my money's worth :D
Got one too.

It's a FiveMega made light. Great little light! I wouldn't call it yellow. But I guess it depends on what we each think qualifies as white. :thumbsup:

Try focusing the beam down to a tight spot, there's still good spill and you loose artifacts.

One of my favorite small lights! Great price!
$30 price point! ;)
18650 rechargeable batteries for guilt free lumen's
great side spill
small size (easy to hold but, not as small a SureFire for example)
grippy rubber textured body
. Plus
. Low cost replacement bulb
. Adjustable beam
. Forward clicky switch
An update to the beam quality:

I played with this flashlight some more. What I discovered was that the spring in the head was compressed too much. This caused me to screw it down too much to make contact with the battery. I stretched it out a little bit and the beam quality improved a lot. The hot spot is nice and solid and the light color seems "whiter" now.

I need to play with this light some more tonight when the sun goes down.
I also picked up one recently. Mine did not have any spring issues. With the proper focus adjustment, the beam has a nice tight, bright hotspot with a decent throw.
After playing with the light a good bit last night, I felt somewhat like a dummy that should have known better.

My initial brownish light was due to poor battery contact. This forced me to screw the body excessively into the head to make contact creating bad beam artifacts and a huge floodlight with a poor hot spot.

Stretching the spring out made a world of difference. The increased amount of heat in the light was a dead give-away that I had much better current flow to the bulb. This really improved the amount of light generated and allowed me to properly adjust the light for a good hot spot with plenty of "throw" while retaining a good amount of side spill.

This light is also easily pocket-able in a pair of blue jeans too (as long as your not one of those folks that needs a pair of pliers to get your pants zipped up)! ;)