Streamlight Sidewinder Flashlight Problems


Newly Enlightened
Nov 9, 2007
Ukiah, CA

On a listerever for military radios, mostly ham operators, there have been a number of reported problems related to the Streamlight Sidewinder. Fresh batteries go dead after a few days or after sitting on the shelf with fresh batteries the light will not function until the batteries are removed and replaced.

Since the people posting are mainly around all kinds of radios I've asked them if the Sidewinder was around any transmitters. One of the responses seems to indicate that a cell phone may cause problems.

I've tried searching here and not found this problem. Is there already a thread for this?

In general it would seem that any flashlight that uses electronic parts may be susceptible to external RF. The flip side is that switching type power supplies in a flashlight may generate RF that would effect external equipment.

Have Fun,

Brooke Clarke, N6GCE
PS my flashlight stuff is at:
I wonder if, since the smaller LED's use "sensors" instead of contacts, if that, in conjuctions with the high RF's, could be a cause for the battery drainage?:thinking:
I pay pretty close attention to Sidewinder threads on these forums and haven't seen any threads to the effects of what you posted. Thanks for the tip though, I'll keep an eye out for any more information about this, the Sidewinder is my favorite light and I've been compiling a lot of general information on it for sometime.

I keep two Sidewinders around my EDC options and haven't noticed any outstanding battery drain issues but I am not around any radio eqiupment or cell phones.

It seems that there's about a dozen Sidewinders that are showning the problem including ones that were warrenty replacements for the ones returned for this problem. Here's a quote:

My light clearly acts up near my GSM cell phone when turned on; the white light flickers, and sometimes the red light blinks on. I haven't induced the failure mode this way yet, but I'll continue to experiment some more, off and on.

I've asked problem Sidewinder owners to check their units with a digital camera to see if the IR mode is being activated.More later. Note this problem only applies to IR Sidewinders.
Please update as you get more information, this is an interesting problem.
I have a sidewinder and a strange "problem", may be related.
Sometimes, when I push the buttom to go off, the led dont go off, only VERY dim. With the white led at the begining I belived it was only a reflection of surrounding light.

Sometimes I want this ultra low light and I need to change modes and go from on to off veveral times until I finaly get it.

Make sure your sidewinder really goes off.

My sidewinder is not IR, but if this happens to a IR it will be difficult to notice.
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As of yesterday there's a Streamlight engineer looking into the problem. This is much different from the customer service people who were not helping.

Here are the symptoms as summerized by the engineer:
"As I understand it from the comments so far, the problem seems to be that the light won't turn on unless the battery door is loosened to break contact, which may "reset" something and restore operation. There is also speculation that a cell phone may cause this. There are also reports of the batteries draining very quickly with the light off."The battery drain problem was on a unit with a green LED, not the IR, so it's getting more complicated.More Later, Brooke Clarke
Thank you for keeping us updated.

The plot thickens...

I've taken one of my Sidewinders and put it away for the time being. I'll pull it out and check the batteries on my ZTS every so often to see if it is draining abnormally.

The other one I'll run like usual and do the same, I have a pretty fair idea of how long the runtime should be based on runtime plots seen around so I should be able to note any unusual drainage.

I checked my lights against a Verizon CDMA cell phone and have noted no problems so far. I'll try to find out if one of my friends has a GSM phone to test it since I don't have one. I don't have access to any personal radio equipment, is there any common items I could operate near the light to induce a failure if present?

1 Feb 2008 - The factory had an outside lab do some RF testing and the lights passed.

Then they did some Electrostatic Testing and the lights failed. That was not expected since a version of the same package is used for a light that has a CE rating. They are working on how to fix the static problem.

Have Fun,

My Flashlight patents & some of those I have at:
Thanks also... I was at Sprortsman's Warehouse today and I saw this light, and I kind of liked it. They had it for $69 which I knew was too much so I did not buy it.... now, I will wait until the problem is fixed.
I really doubt it's RF interference. Mine used to do what fausto described. I stopped switching colors with the wheel while the light is on and it hasn't done it since.
Mine usually sits about six inches from a cellphone (GSM I think, Verizon CA) on my desk. I run many different of receivers around it HF/VHF/UHF/800mhz/1.2Ghz. No transmitter's over about 2 watts though.
The engineer himself isn't saying he suspects RF. He just describes the problem as he "understands it from the comments so far". I wonder if the HAM's suspect RF because they are HAM's and it is in their nature to suspect RF?
I agree there is bug, I'm just not so sure it's RF interference as others.

Sure, hams try to use RF for anything they can just like a cappenter uses a hammer for everything he can.

Yes, the problem is not RF (they had a lab run tests), but is caused by ESD. It's being worked now.

More info when I get it.

I've just updated my Flashlight web page at:

Have Fun,

Brooke Clarke, N7GCE
I didn't notice the post with 1st of Feb. update until after I posted. Foolish of me. I wanted to share my observation about the switching anyway. I hope that dosen't sound like I was taking a shot HAM's, nothing of the sort I assure you. I meant like, to be aware of it, is to suspect it.
I'm going to read your update. Thanks.
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Guess which light I bought just a few weeks ago. :ironic:

So far, no problems. But it irritates me knowing that one might be just under the surface, waiting to rear its ugly head.
My Sidewinder worked well for about one months. Then turned off it descharged to 0.3V two sets of AA NiMH. First time I thought that I turned it on in my pocket. Second time I understund that it drain batteries when it's off. Moreover now it is wery low on white, blue and green on NiMH and on alka. Only red is acceptable ( almost high). Ther is no RF interferences in my home.
I bought it on CPF marketplace. I live in France. What can I do to have it fixed ?
Hi Bolek:

Contact Streamlight, give them your model and serial number and state that you have a problem with batteries going dead in a day. Ask for a Return Authorization Number and the procedure you should use.

When they have the fix I'm guessing they will send you one of the new version lights.

Have Fun,

Hi Bolek:

Contact Streamlight, give them your model and serial number and state that you have a problem with batteries going dead in a day. Ask for a Return Authorization Number and the procedure you should use.

When they have the fix I'm guessing they will send you one of the new version lights.

Have Fun,

I send a e-mail to streamlight.

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