On a listerever for military radios, mostly ham operators, there have been a number of reported problems related to the Streamlight Sidewinder. Fresh batteries go dead after a few days or after sitting on the shelf with fresh batteries the light will not function until the batteries are removed and replaced.
Since the people posting are mainly around all kinds of radios I've asked them if the Sidewinder was around any transmitters. One of the responses seems to indicate that a cell phone may cause problems.
I've tried searching here and not found this problem. Is there already a thread for this?
In general it would seem that any flashlight that uses electronic parts may be susceptible to external RF. The flip side is that switching type power supplies in a flashlight may generate RF that would effect external equipment.
Have Fun,
Brooke Clarke, N6GCE
PS my flashlight stuff is at:
On a listerever for military radios, mostly ham operators, there have been a number of reported problems related to the Streamlight Sidewinder. Fresh batteries go dead after a few days or after sitting on the shelf with fresh batteries the light will not function until the batteries are removed and replaced.
Since the people posting are mainly around all kinds of radios I've asked them if the Sidewinder was around any transmitters. One of the responses seems to indicate that a cell phone may cause problems.
I've tried searching here and not found this problem. Is there already a thread for this?
In general it would seem that any flashlight that uses electronic parts may be susceptible to external RF. The flip side is that switching type power supplies in a flashlight may generate RF that would effect external equipment.
Have Fun,
Brooke Clarke, N6GCE
PS my flashlight stuff is at: