Streamlight Super Tac


Newly Enlightened
Feb 2, 2008
Checkout Brightguy's home page pictured there is a Streamlight Super Tac. It looks shape wise similar to Surefire's mega thrower but uses 2 123s. Also says assembled in the USA. All for around $75.00. Looks to good to be true.

My mind says hold back but my desire says order it. (Oh no not again!)
OK, just checked it out. I've actually already seen it a while back. I'm sure it's a great light, but as one CPF observer pointed out in a previous thread , "it looks like a Salvation Army Christmas bell"!!! For the money we drop on these things, they don't just have to BE cool,they gotta look cool,too.:D
Streamlight has a very annoying habit of going to extremes.... Extremes as in, their designs are either really great or really crappy.

I'm not talking about workmanship, fit & finish, or quality. Just designs.

Winners include: Stinger, TL-2, Strion, and TLR-2. (Surefire had to scramble to come up with something that could compete with that one).

And then you have the designs that make you wonder if someone was smoking something a wee bit stronger than tobacco, when they came up with the design ideas.... Like the NF-2 models. My xenon-bulbed version was a light I really wanted to like. But Grip-ring + flush tailcap switch = :wtf:

Nevermind that the grip-ring itself was poorly designed. (There are other misses, but the NF-2 is by far the worst).

And now we have the Super Tac.... An answer to a question that no one asked. Head is about the size of a Surefire M6. You can forget about M6 performance from a 2-cell light. Huge reflectors + 2xCR123 can = Great throw. But then again, there are other LED-based lights that take 2 cells, have excellent throw, and smaller reflectors. I can easily put my Tiablo A9S into the back pocket of my pants. Super Tac?.... Not so much.

I like Streamlight. Always have. But no other company has so many lights that are either hit, or miss. Nothing that can be considered somewhat good. It just gets frustrating sometimes.

Honestly, if Streamlight put in more money and effort into R&D, they could compete with Surefire on an even basis. After all, with Streamlight, it's not as though the quality isn't there.
I think Monocrom might really be right on this one. Part of me wants to buy this light (too bad my finances are definitely in a recession) but I really want to see a review on it (with beamshots comparing it to a MRV...DBS...Tiablo...etc) to justify spending the $$$. Also, if I had one, would I use it? How usable would its beam be at anything under 30 yards.

I might break down and buy one, but I might wait until streamlight updates their survivorled with the new led. I like its body.