I've had a TL-3 since probably around 2005, and with a pair of AW 17500s from the same year (they still work great after 16 years lol). I don't use it much anymore, but back in the day I would use it lots. I even dropped it on concrete a few times, the bulb never fell out, and I've never had the problem with the o-ring pulling out the bulb. But I do know that this is a lottery issue, one out of two SL Scorpions that I bought around the same time has this issue. Best solution is probably to remove the O-ring. Bending the pins doesn't work very well, and it's annoying not being able to focus the beam.
Anyway, this light still sits on my shelf, and I take it out to play with it every now and then. It can't hold a candle compared to the brightness of modern LED lights, but it was the first really bright flashlight that I ever bought. I don't plan on ever getting rid of it, nor will I upgrade it to LED; LEDs just don't have the same magic and excitement as a quality incan. Bright lights are a dime a dozen these days, and I can get a 10x brighter light in any big box store with a cold white beam. But back in 2005 there was a world of difference between the average D-cell grocery store lights (which were about as bright as a match) and one of these lithium powered xenon monsters lol. It really takes me back.