Surefire Aviator LED problems


Newly Enlightened
Feb 21, 2007
I have a surefire aviator, and have difficulty with the LED light coming on sometimes using the push button, and regardless of where the knob is adjusted to from all off all the way to bright white light, was wondering if anyone else has experieced this.

I'm considering sending it back, but don't like to be without it! guess i will just have to carry the executive for a while...

Welcome to CPF!

Already owning an A2, you don't need the usual blabla about watching your wallet, you already know!
I don't own one, so I can't be of much service there. Cleaning the contacts and revolving the rubber shroud on the switch? Dunno.

How can you have zero posts?

Welcome to CPF, KS!

:thinking: Two things that you can try right off the bat before getting into more complex Voodoo dances to fix it:

- try new batteries
- clean *all* contacts really well - this includes threads, contacts in both sides of the battery tube (you also need to clean the lip on the rear end), contacts in the head, and the LA contacts too.

The A2 is known for reacting to added resistance from dirty contacts. Nothing a good scrubbing won't fix.
Guess i've hacked the post counter somehow! doh!

Thanks for the advice, since i purchased it over a year ago it has had a lubrication of some sort on the threads that I assumed was for smooth operation. I guess i'll try cleaning that off and seeing what happens before I send it out.

Thanks guys!
Sorry to hear about the A2 problems. Personally I think there are better incan options out there for EDC anyways. I've been using my E2E with fivemega's Strion socket and a protected 17670 for awhile now and I'm very happy with it. It's much lighter than an A2 and the output is also much better than the MN03 lamp.
I think greenLED's got it covered... but before sending it in (if it still doesn't work) try asking Surefire's customer support for a new tailcap, explaining your problem.
GreenLED said:
The A2 is known for reacting to added resistance from dirty contacts. Nothing a good scrubbing won't fix. terms of dirty contacts I havent had so much as a flicker on the LEDs side...more rather towards the xenon function altogether

carrot said:
try asking Surefire's customer support for a new tailcap, explaining your problem.

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again, I ask why do so many CPFers bash the Surefire warranty replacements & repair. I've had many a parts replaced and 1 warranty repair on an M3T, never so much as once had to wait longer than 5 or 6 working days. Oh yeah, the warranty repair - total time i was without the flashlight was 3 weeks. That's because i mailed it in, they assesed it, fixed it, & mailed it back.I think most of you are using email which is your major problem. NEVER use email, pick up the phone. Or, perhaps many of you live on another continent (or planet?) I"m clueless.
ACMarina said:
Yeah, that'd be a pretty long wait :) Don't sweat it, though, it'll come!!

it came yesterday:grin2: [without a lanyard ring and slightly more dark colored :eek:oo:]

I learned something....when dealing with replacement parts, ask for a tracking code:ohgeez:

mack on topic, KydexSecrets did the tips help or are you still having problem?