Surefire Beast wannabe.....will the "real" Beast please stand up!!!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Feb 10, 2006
Surefire Beast wannabe.....will the "real" Beast please stand up!!!

Here's a pic of the real Beast in it's element.

And here's one of the wannabe in it's element.

The dupe is a block of wood a friend turned as a size/shape representation
of the Beast II. It's being sent to John Willis so he can fabricate a custom
travel bag and front lens cover/pouch.

The bezel diameter is to large and needs to have 3/8" turned off before it
ships out to John.

Thought I'd have a little fun with it before sending it out. :nana:

Tonight I'll take some beamshots of the Beast II vs. the wannabe! :naughty:
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Looks like it would make a good club to fend off a criminal but other then that I can't see wht anyone would want such a cumbersome light?
Would this one be cheaper then the real Beast?

The main problem I see is that fire is not very efficient and also compromises the structure of the light.

Good model though. All of the major protruding points are taken into consideration in this model.
I can't see why anyone would want such a cumbersome light?

It sounds as if you've never handled or used one, or figured out that the
ergonomics of the Beast vs. brand X is not what this thread is about.

So in this case it seems your thoughts weren't worth the penny! :shakehead

The main problem I see is that fire is not very efficient and also compromises the structure of the light.
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very cool! I'm trying to figure out what the gray portions are....just paint or tape maybe?

It would be fun to turn it into a real LED light after its fitting purpose has been served.
Hmmm...I like that idea. :naughty:[/quote]

Obviously a single LED would be easiest and wouldn't require large amounts of power. A Malkoff assembly set into a large machined aluminum heatsink might provided enough absorption mass even though it was insulated with wood. You've got plenty of physical space there so it might provide a few options. The lathe work sured tuned out nice. I have to confess that I would have found some Krylon that closely matched natural HA....:poke: :D :)
And here's one of the wannabe in it's element.

Oh Man! Who do the guys on the right think they're kidding with that fake SF branding? I know a beast when I see one:tinfoil::nana: Send me the dummy on the right when you finished with it Seery.
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Hmmm...I like that idea. :naughty:

Obviously a single LED would be easiest and wouldn't require large amounts of power. A Malkoff assembly set into a large machined aluminum heatsink might provided enough absorption mass even though it was insulated with wood. You've got plenty of physical space there so it might provide a few options. The lathe work sured tuned out nice. I have to confess that I would have found some Krylon that closely matched natural HA....:poke: :D :)[/quote]

Or just bore a hole to fit a complete flashlight in there and make a clickie extension pusher. Perhaps even more than one. :sssh:
Taboot, the quote didn't work. You may have to re-bracket (wrap) it in another. :)

Sure, you could put a P3D Q5 in the middle and run an extension plunger to a tailswitch. It might get kinda toasted in there though..:sweat:

Seery, if we get to off-base from the intentions of your thread please let me know. :)
Oh Man! Who do the guys on the right think they're kidding with that fake SF branding? I know a beast when I see one:tinfoil::nana: Send me the dummy on the right when you finished with it Seery.
hehehe...sometimes looks can be deceiving! :buddies:

Just send it to Milky I'm sure he wood do something cool with it :grin2:
:lolsign: :lolsign: :lolsign:

I have to confess that I would have found some Krylon that closely matched natural HA....:poke: :D :)
You read my mind...I swear the cap looked darker! :ohgeez:

Seery, if we get to off-base from the intentions of your thread please let me know. :)
Not at all. It's all fun and that was the intention.

Give me 5 minutes and I'll have a pic up of the newly modified wannabe. :sssh:
Not sure how efficient or just how many lumens it putting out, but
I really prefer it's warmth to the LED's on the left.

Man, that's one Smokin LED! I think the true candlepower rating is higher on the right, though.
I just about dropped the top scoop of ice cream off my cone when I saw that picture!!! :crackup: Not exactly what I had in mind seery, but darn

I think Ra one figured out the actual candle power of a particular candle at one time early in his career. IIRC it was more than a cp.....about 5, I think.

I wasn't kidding about the ice cream either.



I bet you save a LOT of batteries using your replacement Beast! :grin2:
BVH - hehe....I though the same after seeing the pic on screen. :D

Patriot36 - That's some funny stuff.....AND that brand of ice cream is way
to expensive to waste a drop, let alone a WHOLE SCOOP!!! :mecry::mecry::mecry:

souptree - Yep, and it's better and preserving night adapted vision! :devil:
I'd be careful though, if you let it run for too long, the light itself could become a light.

That defiantly put a smile on my face.

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