Surefire E-series Drop-Ins??


May 28, 2002
Neenah, WI
Surefire experts:
There seems to be a ton of different P60 sized drop-ins for sale, but not much on E-series goodies. SO, am I missing something, or is there nothing readily available? I have an old E1e and a E2W Winelight that I would really like to upgrade, but would like to keep the heads the way they are, esp. with the Winelight. ANY help will be appreciated. I'm not worried about running multiple levels on these lights, just pulling a few more lumens out of them. Using Lumen Factory bulbs now, but wondering if there's someting better out there.
Thanks in advance,
A couple of members here made minitowers. I have one for my E1e. Its all flood. Do a search on Aussie Mini Towers. They are extremely well made but the beam profile is radically different from a stock E series.
A couple of members here made minitowers. I have one for my E1e. Its all flood. Do a search on Aussie Mini Towers. They are extremely well made but the beam profile is radically different from a stock E series.

The guys making them are taking a break from manufacturing them :(
There was a plan for another batch but the demand was low so yclo and koala decided to stop for a while. It also takes a lot of time to make them so its quite hard for us. Increasing the cost makes it less benefitial for you all because a surefire led head has similar cost.

A few more will be available in a couple of months time.
Ive been going throught the same thing. Trying to find a led for the "e" series lights. This is about all there is out there. They also make one for the E2E.
The OP indicated he wanted to keep the stock bezel and just replace the lamp with an LED module.

If you're willing to replace the head, that OpticsHQ head you reference above is only one of many, many options. I don't know if the aftermarket support for the E-series is quite as extensive as Mag D cell lights, but it's probably not far behind.
There was a plan for another batch but the demand was low so yclo and koala decided to stop for a while. It also takes a lot of time to make them so its quite hard for us. Increasing the cost makes it less benefitial for you all because a surefire led head has similar cost.

A few more will be available in a couple of months time.

Count me in for 1 :popcorn:
If you`re a bit handy maybe you could buil a Aleph "can" for it....

Though it depends on how the Winelight looks inside,,,,
If you're willing to replace the head, that OpticsHQ head you reference above is only one of many, many options. I don't know if the aftermarket support for the E-series is quite as extensive as Mag D cell lights, but it's probably not far behind

Ive spent hours on here, the internet, TNC, THE SANDWICH SHOPPE, etc. And I cant find anything thats in stock or being made for the "E" SERIES. I tried contacting TNC a couple of times with no response.

Please if Ive missed something tell me where to look. I know about the Surefire heads but I find them way over priced for what you get. Ive got a TLS head coming but I swear I could not find anything else.
Bogus1 ( TNC ) can at times be hard to reach but you will find the products under SF E-series and they are compatible with your light...

Also check under CPF custom builders and modders in his subforum.....:thumbsup:
Bogus1 ( TNC ) can at times be hard to reach but you will find the products under SF E-series and they are compatible with your light...

I spent hours on his site, most of the stuff is out of stock and I found alot of it very confusing. Beautiful but confusing. Im no novice, but Im just starting to get into Surfires and Ive got alot to learn about them. Ill check out is forum, thanks.
If one is not upto date with the terms at TNC`s site I admit some confusion is possible.....;)

I`ll try and find some links when I get home...
I can`t acess the site on my work-comp.....:poof:
Besides all of the E-series Surefire heads and the OpticsHQ heads...

  • All of the original McLux and Aleph (McLux II) heads are E-series compatible. Check the Sandwich Shoppe under Completed Assemblies or Mod Shoppe/DIY/Aleph.
  • ARCmania's MaxLite series uses E-series head (and tail) threads.
  • TnC has made a number of E-series heads recently. I don't know if they ever sold them through the web site, it may have been only through the threads in their sub-forum.
  • TnC also makes E2C and Turbo Head adapters, that should be available on the TnC site. The E2C adapter will allow you to use C-series heads, bezels, drop-ins, etc. with your E-series body. Combine the E2C with a Leef C2M and you can run M-series heads on your E-series body. The TnC Turbo Head adapter will allow you to use a Surefire KT2 or equivalent Turbo Head with your E-series body.
  • Vital Gear, Surefire and even McGizmo at some point have also made E2C adapters.
  • Lots of custom E-series heads have been available in the B/S/T forum. Look for work from Mirage_Man, Ganp, erin0919, and there's probalby some others I'm forgetting.
  • The NiteCore Extreme head fits any E-series compatible body (and works great on a 2-cell Surefire body with a 17670 Li-ion).
Lots more info can be found in this thread.
my set up ;)
just to give an idea ;)

Besides all of the E-series Surefire heads and the OpticsHQ heads...

  • All of the original McLux and Aleph (McLux II) heads are E-series compatible. Check the Sandwich Shoppe under Completed Assemblies or Mod Shoppe/DIY/Aleph.
  • ARCmania's MaxLite series uses E-series head (and tail) threads.
  • TnC has made a number of E-series heads recently. I don't know if they ever sold them through the web site, it may have been only through the threads in their sub-forum.
  • TnC also makes E2C and Turbo Head adapters, that should be available on the TnC site. The E2C adapter will allow you to use C-series heads, bezels, drop-ins, etc. with your E-series body. Combine the E2C with a Leef C2M and you can run M-series heads on your E-series body. The TnC Turbo Head adapter will allow you to use a Surefire KT2 or equivalent Turbo Head with your E-series body.
  • Vital Gear, Surefire and even McGizmo at some point have also made E2C adapters.
  • Lots of custom E-series heads have been available in the B/S/T forum. Look for work from Mirage_Man, Ganp, erin0919, and there's probalby some others I'm forgetting.
  • The NiteCore Extreme head fits any E-series compatible body (and works great on a 2-cell Surefire body with a 17670 Li-ion).
Lots more info can be found in this thread.

Now this is what I needed, it explains what fits what. Thank You very much GSWITTER.
Thanks a lot for all your help, folks! Still not certain what I'm going to do with the lights, but at least now I know the options!
Greg :twothumbs
Got my TLS today. Love everything about it except the fact that somebody rubbed the reflector with something all the way around the top. Doesnt affect the beam any. The size, look, output are just what I was looking for on my E2E-BK. Nice addition to any E2E. Might have to get an E1E now.



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