SureFire E1e discontinued??

I just downloaded the new SureFire catalogue... and saw, the E1e is no longer in!

Does this automatically mean, it's discontinued??

Then, I'd better have one REALLY soon....


I had mine and traded it off after I got the E1b. The bodies are the same lengh, but with the added benefit of being able to carry bezel down. I liked the incan tint of it, but the E1E would fall out of my pockets. the E1b bezel down doesn't fall out.

Having said that, I wish I hadn't got rid of my E1e.:poof:
Even though I've never been a fan of the one cell version, I'm kind of sad to hear that the E1e is no longer being cataloged.

I wish there was a two or three cell E-series body that had a bezel down carry clip and would take a Surefire tailcap. I have a Vital Gear 3 which I really like, but I'm always worried that the clicky might fail someday.

The Surefire E1e with one of AW's IMR16340 cells and a Lumens Factory EO-E1R is a nice little incan pocket rocket.
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I just downloaded the new SureFire catalogue... and saw, the E1e is no longer in!

Does this automatically mean, it's discontinued??

Then, I'd better have one REALLY soon....


I don't think so. I might be wrong, but I don't recall it being in the 2008 catalog either.

Thanks in part to IMR 16340 and Malkoff P7 P60 direct drive drop-in you are able to have over 700 lumens in an E1e light. I used an M30 most of the time for practical use. I might just get another E1e before they become extinct and expensive like the 3P.

With new warm white LED's being more efficient than incans wouldn't it be beneficial in these small lights to adopt the LED rather than shun it from the small lights? I like incans and all the tint is great, but I think I'll let LED's win this battle.
With new warm white LED's being more efficient than incans wouldn't it be beneficial in these small lights to adopt the LED rather than shun it from the small lights? I like incans and all the tint is great, but I think I'll let LED's win this battle.

In total lumen and run time output the LED perhaps wins. My E1E with Lumens Factory 50 lumen lamp threw far. I think incans have better spill and can throw further than any LED with the same lumens. Malkoff F variants don't

Another example: Take a P60 and IMHO it throws like my M60 with a fraction of the Lumens.:twothumbs
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I just downloaded the new SureFire catalogue... and saw, the E1e is no longer in!

Does this automatically mean, it's discontinued??

Then, I'd better have one REALLY soon....


Short answer is no.
As RobertM pointed out it's not in the 2008 catalogue either.
You can still buy it from so it's not discontinued.
If your still worried I'd give SF a call.
With new warm white LED's being more efficient than incans wouldn't it be beneficial in these small lights to adopt the LED rather than shun it from the small lights? I like incans and all the tint is great, but I think I'll let LED's win this battle.

I don't know about that. In a one cell configuration, I'd still take an EO-E1R with one of AW's IMR cells over a Cree R2 in an E-series LED head anyday. It'll be more compact and put out better light.

OF COURSE the Cree R2 will be more EFFICIENT, we all know this. Everyone everywhere knows this. That argument's horse has been beaten to dust already.
This may be biased based on yer job, but nothing beats an E1E with an F05 red filter for "stealth" work. LED's just don't show up the same through red filters as incans. I will always have my E1E with an incan lamp, and get my "pure red" light! Great for checking badges with-out ruining your night-vision, or being "quite" at night.
I legoed my E1E together. Used a no-longer-needed E2E stock head, then just bought an E1E body & tailcap off of the MarketPlace. Topped it off with a Lumens Factory lamp designed for use in Surefire E1 or E1E models.

If you want one badly enough, you can lego one together out of parts... If you have trouble tracking down a complete light.

Love that Surefire lego-ability. :twothumbs
I spoke to a Surefire Rep a few weeks ago in regards to the E1e and 9P not being in the catalog....he told me that they are NOT BEING DISCONTINUED but that Surefire felt that they did not need to be included in the catalog...DONT ASK ME WHY...I DONT KNOW...but he told me that the models mentioned are not being discontinued...hope that helps
I legoed my E1E together. Used a no-longer-needed E2E stock head, then just bought an E1E body & tailcap off of the MarketPlace. Topped it off with a Lumens Factory lamp designed for use in Surefire E1 or E1E models.

If you want one badly enough, you can lego one together out of parts... If you have trouble tracking down a complete light.

Love that Surefire lego-ability. :twothumbs
Which Lumens Factory bulb is the best for running primaries with in the E1e? :confused:
There is a bit of irony in the fac that people automatically assume that a light is discontinued just because it doesn't show up in the newest surefire catalog. If you look at last years catalog there are a few new models that we still don't have, and its possible that we never will. How many of the new models shown in the 2009 catalog are available today? And when was the first appearance of an E1b in the catalog?

I wouldn't put too much weight behind what appears, and doesn't appear, in the SF catalog.
You know what is amazing is that the simple mention of the E1E being dropped is enough to send many of us into a buying frenzy.....I myself spent this weekend trying to find one locally just to have a spare. Something tells me many others here were looking also.

I am not sure what it is about the E1E that just gets me but it does. I really enjoy mine much more now with the LF lamps but still find the original set up perfect for around the house usage. Yes I almost feel into the last minute frenzy myself and it is probably a good thing I did not find any this weekend or I would have bought all I could find.