Newly Enlightened
Hi everyone - new to the forum here. I had no idea a forum like this even existed. I found it while I was searching for something for the A2. I thought I was bad having 5 surefires, jeez I dont even come close to the competition!
I also didn't know that there were mods to surefires I thought they were always just going to be how you bought them...
For the E1L Outdoorsman - is there a way to make it have a tailcap like the Aviator - where I can press it down halfway to have dim and press it all the way to have bright? I'm not sure I like having to get to bright by turning it on and off and on...
For the A2 Aviator - is it possible to remove the ring near the butt that has the hole for the lanyard clevis?
Are there any good mods for either of these flashlights? I noticed milky seems to be a popular guy on here for doing mods.
I was also wondering if it was possible to remove the clip from these flashlights as well?
I am a pilot and I use the red aviator in the cockpit which is great for the nightvision but it is hard to see the color coding on the instruments like red is overspeed and green is perfect temp etc... You kind of have to know what the limits are because you cannot see the color coding... I was thinking about switching my flying flashlight to something else, any ideas? Maybe the aviator with the yellow/green?
I was also looking at the diffuser that goes on the end of the E1L that surefire sells to widen out the beam a bit. Anyone used this on the E1L or any other SF's?
Thanks in advance for all the newb questions....
I also didn't know that there were mods to surefires I thought they were always just going to be how you bought them...
For the E1L Outdoorsman - is there a way to make it have a tailcap like the Aviator - where I can press it down halfway to have dim and press it all the way to have bright? I'm not sure I like having to get to bright by turning it on and off and on...
For the A2 Aviator - is it possible to remove the ring near the butt that has the hole for the lanyard clevis?
Are there any good mods for either of these flashlights? I noticed milky seems to be a popular guy on here for doing mods.
I was also wondering if it was possible to remove the clip from these flashlights as well?
I am a pilot and I use the red aviator in the cockpit which is great for the nightvision but it is hard to see the color coding on the instruments like red is overspeed and green is perfect temp etc... You kind of have to know what the limits are because you cannot see the color coding... I was thinking about switching my flying flashlight to something else, any ideas? Maybe the aviator with the yellow/green?
I was also looking at the diffuser that goes on the end of the E1L that surefire sells to widen out the beam a bit. Anyone used this on the E1L or any other SF's?
Thanks in advance for all the newb questions....