I'll vouch for this setup. I have one I run in my E2e. It's considerably brighter and whiter than the MN03, and runs about 75 minutes.Alin10123 said:Fivemega also sells an upgrade socket kit that you can upgrade bulbs with, use a single 17670 inside the light, increase runtime, and brightness.
EV_007 said:I use the Lumens Factory [font="]EO-E2R[/font][font="] (7.2V) at 150 Lumens (non SureFire lumens) running 2 unprotected Li-Ions. Puts out about the same amount of light as the P60.
Mikeg23 said:I have a Lumens Factory EO-E1R with a 17670 and it beats the P60 no question about it. I would hope that the EO-E2R is brighter than the E1R.
Those kiddy LED lights just don't work outdoors, especially this time of year with the leaves and branches waving back and forth. I think they're not so hot indoors either, but that's a topic for another thread. E2R lamp in the E2E with a couple of AW's protected RCR's makes a great everyday carry light. I have an extra E2R and 4 extra AW protected RCR's in an SC3 spares carrier as well, just in case I need some more light.
I guess the only problems I've had with the Lumen's Factory lamps is that the filiment looks like it's a little bit higher on both of mine than the MN03 lamp assembly is. This makes my MN03's have a little better hotspot than my EO-E2R's because it is deeper in the reflector. I think this is something they need to change. Also a couple of mine arrived with gunk on the lamps. Cleaned the easy stuff off with some isoprophyl alcohol and the harder caked on stuff under a table lamp with a knife. Much better after that.
I use the Lumens Factory [FONT="]EO-E2R[/FONT][FONT="] (7.2V) at 150 Lumens (non SureFire lumens) running 2 unprotected Li-Ions. Puts out about the same amount of light as the P60.
I've heard it suggested that multiphosphor LEDs could produce similar color fidelity to incandedscents. Also, my own personal ideas suggest that a multi-die LED could combine ... oh, call it six - RGB, CMY - different wavelength LEDs on one chip. I've seen four and eight-die white LEDs; it's not much of a stretch to imagine this being done.
That's a 3x123 sized stack of batteries, though. What about us who don't want to replace the body tube, or can't find a good extension?