Surefire Experts- E2DL vs U2 ?

Electric Factory

Newly Enlightened
Dec 14, 2008
To you dedicated Surefire experts- I EDC a SF E2DL which I enjoy very much. I have an opportunity to buy a SF U2 from a guy at work- would getting that U2 be redundant from a performance/ spec standpoint as compared to the E2DL ?
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To you dedicated Surefire experts- I EDC a SF E2DL which I enjoy very much. I have an opportunity to buy a SF U2 from a guy at work- would getting that U2 be redundant from a performance/ spec standpoint as compared to the E2DL ?

Will, you have six light output levels with the U2. I use all six of mine at different times, depending on how much light I need. The most recent U2 uses the Seoul, and mine is the Lux V model, which I like because I can use it with one Li-Ion, in my case, an 18650. Lots of flexability with the Lux V version.

Your E2DL is more of a thrower on high, and good for close up work on low setting, if you have the two stage model. I am sort of not too helpful because I do not know which U2 you will be getting. Please be more specific. To add, I also do not which E2DL you have, single output or dual output.

To you dedicated Surefire experts- I EDC a SF E2DL which I enjoy very much. I have an opportunity to buy a SF U2 from a guy at work- would getting that U2 be redundant from a performance/ spec standpoint as compared to the E2DL ?

Hello Electric Factory -- I, too, recently purchased a new SureFire E2DL and after having owned (and still own :D) a U2 Ultra. The E2DL's output is significantly brighter and better collimated than that of my U2. It's true that the U2 enables one to select six different levels of illumination; however, I generally use only its highest and lowest levels 99% of the time (and only on rare occasions any of those in-between.). answer your question...I believe it would be redundant to additionally purchase a U2 from a strictly performance point of view. Utility, on the other hand, theoretically tends to favor the U2.

If it were ME...I'd opt to wait for the introduction of SureFire's Optimus or Invictus before spending my hard-earned money on a U2. But then again, it may be a loooooong wait before we see the appearance of either of the aforementioned flashlights.

The bottom line? I'd still wait, for the E2DL currently fulfills everything I desire in a hand-held torch! :thumbsup:

My $0.02.

Cheers! :twothumbs

Both are superb lights.

My preference between the 2 is the U2 because it has the intermediate, non-battery killing levels that the E2DL does not. What if 30 or 50 lumens is really more than enough light but 5 lumens is not? Do you want to run your light at high and kill the batteries at that rate or would you rather have the right amount of light and the longer runtimes.

If runtimes are important, than the U2 is a light that you should add.

If the E2DL had an intermediate level of 30 lumens for 8 hours, then I would be singing a different tune:thumbsup:

Good luck.
I find the low setting on the E2DL is more than enough for indoor use.
For outdoor,the high setting is awsome.
And i find the F04 beam diffuser accomadates this light very well.
I find the low setting on the E2DL is more than enough for indoor use.
For outdoor,the high setting is awsome.
And i find the F04 beam diffuser accomadates this light very well.

To what purpose do you put the F04 beam diffuser ?

Hello Electric Factory -- I, too, recently purchased a new SureFire E2DL and after having owned (and still own :D) a U2 Ultra. The E2DL's output is significantly brighter and better collimated than that of my U2.! :twothumbs


Wow. I did not know this.
If you have a chance to buy a U2 at a good price, I'd say go for it. You won't be sorry.

It has a great floody beam at multiple levels. It's still a great workhorse of a light.
What would be your weight preference when it comes to an EDC light? The U2 is bulkier and heavier than the very nimble E2DL. My U2A sits in a drawer most of the time on standby and if I have to actually carry it, I would like to use a good holster (which I am still looking). Of course, I would use a holster for the E2DL as well because of the pointy bezel, but if I have to carry it in a pocket a lot, E2DL would be my better choice.

With Aloha,

I love the U2, but I finally sold mine after it sat in my drawer too much. I bought it for the hurricanes when I lived in Florida, and I think it is the perfect disaster preparedness light. The 6 levels let you use the least about of battery possible, which really comes in handy if you are out of power for a week.

However, I have since moved, and the light just didn't get much use. I actually sold it and bought an E2DL. First, it fit in my pocket better, so it gets a lot more use. I use it with RCR123s, so I don't mind the shorter runtime (or lack of a mid level). I have backup batteries charged at home, and can charge them in my car if necessary. Finally, a big reason for the switch was because I had other lights that had flood, but nothing with throw - something the E2DL has in spades!

Even with my reasons, it was hard to decide whether to sell the U2 or not - it really is a great light.
And the L4 and L5 lights, in comparison to the ED2L in terms of their performance and features ?
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L4: nearly all flood, wide beam. Great for lighting up a room, not so great for lighting up a dark corner in the back yard

L5: deeper reflector than the L4, so it has more throw, but still with a good amount of side spill.

E2DL: lots of throw, with minimal side spill.
Just received my E2DL today, my first high tech light. Couldn't wait for it to get dark.


It's sure gonna come in handy.
The U2 invests more of its flux in the spill and has a less bright hotspot. Next to the obvious differences in the interface there is this significant difference in beam distribution.
They are very different lights.

IMHO the U2 is the best general illumination tool currently available whereas the E2DL is a more specialized light that outguns the U2 in its domain but has disadvantages where the U2 has none.

E2DL ...
+ throws way better
+ brighter spot
+ smaller
+ teeth, if you need those
- no intermediate level
- comes always on "high"
- teeth, if you want to pocket it
- less than ideal for close-up work
- can't go as low as the U2 can (U2A version)

MaineChuck and ja10:

I actually sold it (U2) and bought an E2DL. First, it fit in my pocket better, so it gets a lot more use. I use it with RCR123s, so I don't mind the shorter runtime (or lack of a mid level). I have backup batteries charged at home, and can charge them in my car if necessary. Finally, a big reason for the switch was because I had other lights that had flood, but nothing with throw - something the E2DL has in spades!

ja10 -- Isn't the E2DL unbelievable? Every time I switch the light on I continue to be amazed. Enjoy your new torch, ja10!!! :thumbsup:

Just received my E2DL today, my first high tech light. Couldn't wait for it to get dark.


It's sure gonna come in handy.

Hi MaineChuck -- I'm very happy to hear you picked up a new E2DL!!! :twothumbs "WOW!" is the operating word, to be sure!!! Congratulations on your very first high tech flashlight -- and what a light it is. :thumbsup:

IMHO the U2 is the best general illumination tool currently available whereas the E2DL is a more specialized light that outguns the U2 in its domain but has disadvantages where the U2 has none.


Hello bernie -- You're spot-on as always. :thumbsup:

As most CPF'ers know, or are in the process of learning . . . when in doubt, buy both! :D :laughing: :D

I continue to use my U2 for a variety of applications, whereas the newly-arrived E2DL is used as my current go to light in conjunction with my handgun when investigating things that go bump in the night...:eek:

It's only a hunch at this point, but I'd be willing to bet that the Optimus and Invictus will bump the U2 out of First Place (in the category of Best General Illumination Tool).....vaporware notwithstanding. :rolleyes:

I really enjoy reading your posts -- and learn a LOT from them.


"IMHO the U2 is the best general illumination tool currently available whereas the E2DL is a more specialized light that outguns the U2 in its domain but has disadvantages where the U2 has none."


That's a very precise summary, thanks!

The U2 is indeed the "Disaster Preparedness" light based on the "How to choose" wizard on the official Surefire site. Hopefully, the long-awaited UA2 and UB2 will live up to their hypes and become the next most versatile (or best compromise) hand-held flashlight.

With Aloha,


Small Confession: While my interests continue to hover mainly on playing with super-bright rechargeable incans, my U2 in the office drawer and the MS-Kroma in my bedroom are probably two of my most trustworthy lights should a storm strikes or, God forbids, a disaster situation occurrs. I am still looking forward to seeing the UA2 and UB2, but geez :crackup:, that makes all my investments on the incans COLLATERAL DAMAGES!!!!! What an :devil: hobby!
It's only a hunch at this point, but I'd be willing to bet that the Optimus and Invictus will bump the U2 out of First Place (in the category of Best General Illumination Tool).....vaporware notwithstanding.

Bet? You win, we all win! :wave:

I really have not looked for a long while and already lost track of which is which, but when the 500 lumens one come out, you bet it will have a very faithful U2 as its backup. At least in my case.

With Aloha,

To what purpose do you put the F04 beam diffuser ?

The F04 beam diffuser will completely change the beam of the E2DL's from a thrower with a very bright hot spot to a very floody beam known around here as "a wall of light".
Exellent for lighting up a room or close up use.
It's like having two lights in one.
I went through this same dilemna a few years ago, except it was with the L2 and the U2. I couldn't decide whether I wanted the ease of the two stage switch and the flood beam versus the more numerous levels and more general use beam of the U2. The U2 won out in the end and I ended up selling my L2 as I was still in school and couldn't afford both.

Now I use both the E2DL and the U2. The E2DL is my primary LED thrower, while the U2 is still one of my best all around lights. I think its beam is still the most useful of any light I own and even as newer led's gradually pass it by it will still have a place in my gear bag.

In my opinion I think that the U2 would compliment your E2DL as a more utilitarian all around light or for when you need longer runtime and more choices.