surefire g2 twisty switch...?


Newly Enlightened
Dec 31, 2007
well, my buddy just got his OD g2, and i thought it would look sweet with an orange rubber thingy, but his switch wont come out of the tailcap. whats the deal? mine comes out just by pushing it out of the cap, but his, no way. is there something with the newer g2s that we dont know about?:confused:
You can pull the rubber out with a pair of pliers; then stuff in the new one. I did that with two Z2 switches neither of which came apart as well.
Note that originally the G2's came without LockOut TailCaps meaning the metal switch contact assembly was not retained inside the TailCap.

It sounds like your friend has a current G2 with a LockOut TailCap whereas your one is an old version without...

how do i tell? i thought that if they were LOTC it would say something like "lockout" on the tailcap.
Nope - the is no written label.

You can tell when you have a SureFire LockOut TailCap by:

Being able to unscrew the TailCap beyond a point after which no amount of pressure applied to the push button will be able to activate the light.

The metal contact assembly (including it's spring contact) being secured inside the TailCap. The fact that this secured switch contact has only a small limited travel means that it can be backed away from the body past the point at which it makes contact with the body activating the light.
Good pair of precision needlenose pliers will get you in there. Pull out the spring, then grab the metal piece in there and yank. It's got an o-ring that seats it and a metal twisted nail that goes thru the center of it into the pushbutton plastic base so it has to come out fairly straight but it just pulls out, no twisting. Then the next piece is a threaded collar that has two notches in it 180 degrees from eachother. Take the tips of the needle nose pliers in those notches and turn the whole thing out. Then the plastic button and rubber tailcap fall out. Just pay attn to how it all comes apart for reassembly. Not that difficult, the little spring is the hardest part to get back in, but once you've done it once or twice it gets easier. I never would have figured it out without seeing a walkthru. Doesn't look like it comes apart just by looking at it. haha

The gitd tailcaps I got from dx have a little rubber post inside them, so if you put em in a g2 they bulge out with a really round button and everythign feels overly tight. I turned it inside out and cut down about half of the post with regular scissors and it felt a lot better. Cut off the whole post and it feels like stock. I have gitd buttons on all my surefires now. Didn't know they came without the disassembly process ;)

yeah i have the gitd button thing in my g2. well, after i posted last time, we decided that we were going to screw around with it. and, accidentally broke it. no more lotc but its ok. we couldnt get the rubber part out though. is it glued in or something? we tried to twist the thingy out but it didnt want to come out.

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