surefire kl3(1st gen, finned) mod???


Newly Enlightened
Mar 5, 2009
I'm looking to improve the functionality, output and run time of my C2 on a KL3 (first gen, finned) head. Just simply replace the led module to a more efficient one and a dual mode tailcap.

I was told that the KL3 first gen is difficult to upgrade.

Have anyone has any experience with the mod.
The original KL3 head in my opinion is the best looking head bar none :)
It definitely deserves upgrading to a modern emitter
Heres my one :D


Milky modded this with a SSC P4U2SWOH, McR38 reflector, UCL lens and AcornHC 1.0 Firmware
love this kl3 finned head just got one it rocks now i need to figure out how to mod it:eek:it looks awesome in that setup;) i was looking ata chrome one the other day here on wills thread so nice
It must be an excellent host for putting a P7 or MC-E in it. Superb cooling with all those finns.
I have a black and a HA that needs to be modded in some way...:thinking:
I want another one now :D
Seen a few pop up over the Marketplace, but sadly lack of funds :(