Surefire Kroma UV


Apr 10, 2003

High Flux Amber next to civilian Kroma red


UV next to civilian Kroma blue (low)


UV on Euro bill


RGB :)
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Re: Some Kroma Pics... (UV anyone?)


I always thought that a Kroma with IR LEDs (for my night vision monocular) and UV LEDs (cat pee detection) would be my ideal "toy" light hahaha...

Did you mod this yourself? Please give more details... I'm very interested in changing out the blue LED's in my Civilian Kroma to UV.

Best wishes,
Kiessling said:
Ah ... good ... finally some color variation :D
Is this a mod?


This is like give a child only one peace of chocolate and eating
the rest by himself :cool: ....

Sorry, I was very busy lately. Yes, this is a mod, I did it myself. Each LED has an individual SMD resistor and once you've opened the light, replacing the LEDs is not very hard. I got five sets of replacement LEDs for testing which ones I like, all of them being high-flux 3mm LEDs: amber, white, warm white, UV and yellow. I liked amber and UV best and was only willing to give up the green and blue LEDs, red and IR I wanted to keep. White was very tempting, but since I already have many lights with multiple white LEDs, I went for UV instead, and the Kroma Milspec has low output white from the main LED, so UV was more of an addition.

I did open the light because the selector ring failed and I didn't like the ringy blue beam anyway. One thing I can tell you: in military use, the selector ring of each and every Kroma Milspec will sooner or later fail, that's for sure. Surefire knows what military equipment has to endure, look at the M2 for example, that's a light that will hold up in the real world of military use! The little piece of plastic that provides the stops in the selector ring of the Kroma Milspec? It's a joke you would expect in a cheap toy. My advice: treat the selector ring of your Kroma Milspec with care.
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Mark2 said:
Sorry, I was very busy lately. Yes, this is a mod, I did it myself. Each LED has an individual SMD resistor and once you've opened the light, replacing the LEDs is not very hard...

I did open the light because the selector ring failed and I didn't like the ringy blue beam anyway...

Two quick questions, if you don't mind. First, how did you get the head open? I am VERY interested in modding my Kroma Civilian model with UV LED's and a CREE emitter.

Also, where did you find the 3mm UV LED's?

Best wishes, and thanks in advance!
Mark2, that's very interesting what you say about the weakness of the Kroma Milspec selector ring. Shouldn't someone take this up with Surefire?
I got all the LEDs from this store:

Opening the light was the hard part. I first removed the selector ring with the help of the pictures of somebody else here on CPF, don't remember which thread, but I'm pretty sure it had "Kroma" in the title. After removing the selector ring, it's pretty easy to open the head with some thick rubber isolation wrapped around the head and two pliers. The part with the LEDs and the TIR lens can be pulled out, it's sitting on contact pins so don't worry about breaking anything by pulling it out.

As for telling Surefire about the weakness of the selector ring, I am pretty sure that they know about it by now and are probably working on improving it... :rolleyes:
Hm. This mod just gave me a reason to consider a Milspec...

I would be all in for a blue -> UV and IR -> Amber mod...
Mark2 said:
I first removed the selector ring with the help of the pictures of somebody else here on CPF, don't remember which thread, but I'm pretty sure it had "Kroma" in the title.

I've searched and searched, but couldn't find anything to help me remove the Kroma's head. Would you see if you have the pics anywhere to repost? Or if you could try to re-find the thread, it would be very helpful to everyone who's afraid of break their Kroma.

Hmm well I got the head open but cant get the TIR and LED assy out, I am afraid to pull to hard and break this thing. I did not take the selector ring off, but rather used a little heat to loosen the adhesive used in the bezel ring.

I removed the ring by forcing it away from the head, which takes a lot of force. It is held back by a metal ring. Please note that the metal ring in the picture is not broken, it has a gap so that it is flexible.

Mark2 said:
One thing I can tell you: in military use, the selector ring of each and every Kroma Milspec will sooner or later fail, that's for sure. Surefire knows what military equipment has to endure, look at the M2 for example, that's a light that will hold up in the real world of military use! The little piece of plastic that provides the stops in the selector ring of the Kroma Milspec? It's a joke you would expect in a cheap toy. My advice: treat the selector ring of your Kroma Milspec with care.

I couldn't agree more.

Do You pull the LED's and TIR out after removing the Bezel Ring (the one that holds the Lens), or Do You need to unscrew more parts ?