Surefire L4 Cree MC-E
· Surefire L4
· Machined reflector
· Cree MC-E M-flux WD-tint (wired 2p2s)
· Custom made heatsink
· Stock driver
· Two-stage switch (McE2S 60 ohms)
Before I actually started modding this L4 the 2p2s wired MC-E with stock driver was tested using my bench supply, primary – and rechargeable cells.
First I tested the setup with my bench supply. The MC-E lit up starting from ~ 4.8V (I out = 40mA). At 6V output current measured 780mA (I in = 1010mA). So, when run in regulation each die of the led sees 780/2 = ~ 390mA. The led is producing plenty of lumens at this level! It also means the 2p2s needs 2 cells. One cell even can't fire it up.
Then I ran the light off two CR123 (primary) cells. As you can see in the graph primaries aren't able to run the light in regulation. Output dropped below 500mA after 32 mins. At 500mA the light is still pretty bright but of course not as bright as when it runs in regulation. After about one hour output drops below 400mA. The conclusion is that you'll get good output for about 1 hour on primaries.
Next I ran the light off two R123 cells (3.7V blue jacket cells from AW). This setup really shines! As you can see in this graph these cells ran the led in direct drive for about 10 mins (because input voltage was > forward voltage of the MC-E). From then on the light runs in full regulation until the protection circuit kicks in. In total I got ~ 32 mins of bright output and was quite impressed! The driver survived the torture of this test without any problem.
It's a pity I didn't have any of AW's LiFePO4 cells (safe chemistry 3.2V) to test with the same setup. I guess these will be better suited because of their lower voltage (but unfortunately also less capacity).
Thanks for reading. :wave:
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