Surefire X lights - accidental LEGO


Jan 20, 2015
N. SD County
So last night I was checking out the very long 6PX/G2X thread to get hyped on my lights :laughing:
I remember reading posts in CPF where people have stated that they were able to remove the head of their X lights by simply twisting by hand. I gathered my X lights and started twisting.

Here is what happened:
6PX Defender (used) (320 lumen "nichia"), head came off by hand.
Fire Rescue (new) (high vis yellow, 15/320 lumen), head came off by hand.
1st generation Fury (used) (15/500 lumen dual mode, but now single mode due to cut lead), head came off by hand.
G2Z Maxvision (new) (800 lumen), head came off by hand.

Now I have these four X lights to lego and change up, if I feel I want to mix it up 😀

So my new LEGOs right now are:
G2Z Maxvision head on Fury body. Cool because it is all metal now. It is small (small MV head and twisty switch from a Z2X), basically the same size as an E2E.
Favorite right now: Fury head on G2Z-MV nitrolon body. So, is this a P2GZX? :thinking: I've always liked the combat style lights/bodies, and like the P2ZX, but they don't come up too often (and expensive), so I made my own.

Looking forward to: Fury with high viz yellow body :thumbsup:

The X lights that did not come apart (can't have so much luck, right? 😛)
Z2X Combatlight (320 lumen "nichia")
Fire Rescue (orange, 50/320 lumen "nichia")
G2X Pro (15/320 lumen)
G2X Pro (yellow, 15/600 lumen)
6PX Tactical (320 lumen)
*Is the Fury DFT a "X' model? Probably, no.
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My guess is with the maxvision models the metal heads to plastic body threads expands uneven under heat which breaks the glue bond loose over time
Perhaps the glue bond breaks over time?
Good to know.
All I have in X are G2 so perhaps a black and tan is in order.

Byk...I really like Surefire black/tan combos. My P2XGZ :grin2: right now has a G2 tan tail, which is shorter than the nitrolon clicky that G2Z came with, looks cool (to me). I also sport an original blank body, black E2E with a tan scout tailcap (brothers).
This thread needs some :kewlpics:

Dave....I'll see if I can get some. I don't have any fancy cameras, just my cell phone. I haven't posted a pic in a white. What is a good way to post one? Last time I did, I used imgur.
Dave....I'll see if I can get some. I don't have any fancy cameras, just my cell phone. I haven't posted a pic in a white. What is a good way to post one? Last time I did, I used imgur.

I use Flickr, I also only use a phone to take photo these days.
Put the kung fu grip on my G2x's. No go. Not yet anyway.

On my PKFL2-LE mod.. i remember Randy Brogden telling me he used a heat gun and with thin silcone strips acting as grips (& protection) he then wrapped two separate strap wrenches, one around head, and one on body

It does help to have the know how and correct tools

Btw, does any body know how Randy is doing?
I’d like to put my mv head on my g2x pro and visversa

I’ll see how tight they are later tonight

I’ll post updates

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So last night I was checking out the very long 6PX/G2X thread to get hyped on my lights :laughing:
I remember reading posts in CPF where people have stated that they were able to remove the head of their X lights by simply twisting by hand. I gathered my X lights and started twisting.

Here is what happened:
6PX Defender (used) (320 lumen "nichia"), head came off by hand.
Fire Rescue (new) (high vis yellow, 15/320 lumen), head came off by hand.
1st generation Fury (used) (15/500 lumen dual mode, but now single mode due to cut lead), head came off by hand.
G2Z Maxvision (new) (800 lumen), head came off by hand.

*Is the Fury DFT a "X' model? Probably, no.

I'm looking forward to someone posting a confirmation that Fury DFT or P1R Peacekeeper have true X-Series on the head side. Might be nice running G2X with rechargeable 18650s.
I'm looking forward to someone posting a confirmation that Fury DFT or P1R Peacekeeper have true X-Series on the head side. Might be nice running G2X with rechargeable 18650s.

I was looking up info on the Fury DFT and the owner of one showed a picture with the head off. They said it just twisted off, no problem. I don't remember if it was here or general internet browsing, but there was a picture.

I just tried byk's "Kung Fu grip" :grin2: on my DFT and nothing. Oh well...
I tried byks grip as well on my g2x and my g2z-mv and yea that’s not happening . I’ll try again later with some strap wrenches as someone mentioned .

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If no heat gun available.. A forum member mentioned putting the (bats unloaded) flashlight in heavy freezer bag, then placing into boiling water for few minutes until the Al is hot mutha to handle.. Wearing some rubber coated work gloves, then use Byks kung foo grip

Remember, counter clockwise direction is unscrewing 🙂
After trying to remove my g2x pro/g2z-mv head with two pairs of channel locks with no luck , I just installed a Malkoff tailcap and really enjoy that combo . I’ll leave the heads how they are lol I have other lights I can lego before I go and screwing something up . I believe I pinched my Mv body because the first battery gets kinda sticky when inserting it into the tube and I have to tap it out . No biggie I don’t use it that much

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dang wicky, that stinks. Good thing it didn't tweak it enough to not let the battery out.

I take turns using my X lights on a nightly basis, to light up the bathroom for the kids' bath time. I use two each night. I rotate all of them and they run for about 10-15 mins each (2 kids). I use KP 16650s in them.