Tactical Basement sweep with M1 last night! Bear Video added in Post #1


Newly Enlightened
Dec 6, 2006
Last night (early morning) around 2am, I heard a crash in our basement. My wife woke after hearing it too. I should set the scene for you before continuing. We live way out in the woods and have a new baby boy. We also have a ton of black bear living on and around our 10 acres. It's not uncommon to have a 500 lb bear come right up on our 2nd story deck and stare through the sliding glass door into our living room. We also have had Bears try to come into our basement (our house is built into a hillside) through the dog door, which is in a heavy metal door. Once a large bear clawed the door frame right off of this metal basement security door.
So early this morning where awakened by this big crash in the basement. I jumped out of bed, grabbed my G19 from the lockbox under our bed inserted a mag then grabbed my new Lumapower M1. I turned the corner of our bedroom doorway which is right next to the doorway that leads down the basement stairs. With Glock in one hand and the M1 in my other, I quickly double clicked the Smooth reflectored M1 to High and pointed it down the basement stairs. I should also tell you that I'm near-sighted and I wear contacts which of course I didn't take the time to put in. Bam! when the M1 clicked into High that coupled with the fact that my contacts where not in I was completely blinded by the reflection of the M1 off of the white painted sheet rock basement wall at the bottom of the stairs. It took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust, after being blasted by the reflected light. I couldn't believe how damn bright the light was. I turned on the basement light after I got to the switch and yelled down before proceeding, then slowly worked my head, Glock and M1 down far enough to see what the hell was going on. The M1 really lit the dark areas of our finshed basment up. After not seeing anything that was a visable threat, I worked my way down. Keep in mind, I'm seeing all this through my very fuzzy near-sighted eyes, by the way which where more focused than usual do to the M1's brightness shutting down my pupils to b.b-sized openings. A quick sweep revealed that it wasn't a bear, a but a very large and pissed off possum that had made its way through the dog door to eat at the dog's food dish. I was relieved to find is was not a bear. Needless to say the M1 worked flawlessly, and proved its a worthy tactical light, I'm very glad I purchased it. Yes, the blinding light did make the possum curl up into a fetal position and I quickly booted the intuder out the door with a broom. locked up and went back to bed...

Here is the Bear... Sorry about the shakey video, It was shot using a 1.5MCP Vector spotlight, Enjoy! Heli

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Re: Tactical Basment sweep with M1 last night!

NIce story, thanks for sharing! Glad to hear you got some good use of your lights.
Re: Tactical Basment sweep with M1 last night!

heliyardsale ~ Great ad for Lumapower..

I can just hear it "see honey, this is why I need these things"
Re: Tactical Basment sweep with M1 last night!

RAF_Groundcrew said:
Keep some spectacles on the bedside table !!! If (god forbid) it ended in a shooting, if you are not legally able to see what you're shooting,then you're in the poo, big time.

Glasses would help, but my sight is good enough to tell what I'm shooting at out to 20 yards without my contacts in. Our basement is small 28x40ft so it was not a problem to ID the intruder, even the possum at 20ft... Good advice though thanks...
Re: Tactical Basment sweep with M1 last night!

Possums are dangerous, too! :eek:

I had a close encounter with one, too. It definitely was NOT fun.
Re: Tactical Basment sweep with M1 last night!

Lmtfi said:
You don't want to meet a bear armed with a Glock.

LOL, I agree, it's not the best choice for bear, even though its loaded with 15 Hydrohocks, but it's better than just the M1 alone. 15 well-placed head shots should slow it down enough to let the wife unlock the 12 gauge 1100, get it out of the bedroom closet gun safe and join in the carnage. The Glock is always close at hand, so its the first thing I grab.
Re: Tactical Basment sweep with M1 last night!

Lmtfi said:
You don't want to meet a bear armed with a Glock.

My thoughts exactly. The 9mm would serve to get it pretty pissed just prior to mauling you to death. And 15 well placed head shots? Not going to happen. Even if you did have your lenses in.
Re: Tactical Basment sweep with M1 last night!

Cool story! :thanks:
Re: Tactical Basment sweep with M1 last night!

Geez, gorn, give the guy a break!! Maybe he's got the G-18's 30 round magazine, which would only make him have to hit every-other-one ;)
Re: Tactical Basment sweep with M1 last night!

Good story Heliyardsale...haha! I'm glad that it wasn't a bear either. I know that a few of the guys ribbed you about the G19 a little bit...lol Seriously though, have you ever considered a little bit larger caliber considering your risk level with bear encounters? Even a .40 would be a substantial gain in a handgun package. An 870 with slugs would be even better. :)

[Edit] Just read that you have an 1100. Nevermind.......

I'm glad that your little M1 performed so well. Nice to have the peace of mind from a bright and realiable light.
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Re: Tactical Basment sweep with M1 last night!

ACMarina said:
Geez, gorn, give the guy a break!! Maybe he's got the G-18's 30 round magazine, which would only make him have to hit every-other-one ;)

Actually, a couple 33 round G-18 mags.... But they are for play and never see use... Give me a break, It was better than a baseball bat... Not everyone has a loaded 454 Catsull under the bed... The glock does just fine for home defense IMO... Yeah it would have been nice to have had a larger bore but oh well.... I'll be sure to load up some 160 gain HP 7mm-08 for my Encore so you guys and sleep better tonight... By the way, Have you ever seen the wound channel for a 9mm hydroshock in balistic Gel? It's more impressive than you might think.... Cut some slack, I'm sharing a flashlight story!!!! You gun people should be on my side, at least I'm not a gun hating Liberal that saw a bear and called the SPCA... Geezeous...
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Re: Tactical Basment sweep with M1 last night!

I ain't scared of no bear

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Re: Tactical Basment sweep with M1 last night!

I know exactly what you meant when you said "blinded"...:ohgeez:
Im severely nearsighted and I've been with my specs for so long wearing contacts doesnt feel right...walking blind to the bathroom only to flick on my A2 right infront of a hall mirror was what came to my mind when you mentioned:
heliyardsale said:
I'm near-sighted and ... Bam! ... I was completely blinded by the reflection of the M1 off of the white painted sheet rock basement wall

and THANKS! now I want a LumaHunter M1:rant::naughty::naughty:!!!!!111