Can I get away with using a common tap from the hardware store
Only if you love misery
Lots of factors in play when threading Ti ... the material is moderately hard (28-38 HRc) and ordinary taps are meant for soft materials, usually under 20 HRc.
Then add the "elastic memory" of Ti, meaning that the material closes tightly around the cutting tap, generating friction and heat, resulting in increased wear of the cutting edges.
On top of that, Ti
easily work hardens.
All the major tap makers offer Ti specific taps. Those incorporate additional clearance to overcome the extreme elastic memory.
Also, there is more back taper of the threads (from the front to the back of the thread section), full radial clearance in the threads (across the tap lands), and additional relief in the chamfer area.
If the hole is all the way through the part, a spiral point tap works well, like the Balax Series BX160 A286 Spiral Point. For a blind hole, the Balax Thredfloer does a nice job.
Size the tap drill for the lowest percentage thread that's acceptable, usually about 65%, which give additional clearance within the hole.
A phone call to a few of the manufacturers will get some specific recommendations.