Tech nerds - Video Card Question re:SLI


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 10, 2004
Brookston, IN
Hey guys,

I'm working on a computer right now for a guy I work with. He wanted a new board and chip, and I was thinking the A8N-SLI would be a good idea since I have several of them around. Here's the kicker, though -

He wants to run 3 monitors. Two are main display monitors, and he wants a third monitor over to the side to watch the RadarLab HD feed he subscribed to. If I get two video cards that allow dual monitors, can we hook up monitors one and two on the primary and the third on the secondary?? He's not a gamer, so he wouldn't even be *using* SLI as it's intended - can I do this?? I've never tried and only have two monitors myself..

I *already* have the SLI board, and I'm under the impression that if I don't set the cards up in SLI mode that they'll function independently. Anybody??
I *already* have the SLI board, and I'm under the impression that if I don't set the cards up in SLI mode that they'll function independently. Anybody??

Yes my board is SLI capable and I can simply uncheck the SLI option on the video control panel and have dual monitor with no issues.
not to hijack the thread, but since this is a video post...

Does anyone know how to get 2 independent desktops on one large monitor? Not virtual, but 2 independent ones that display at the same time?
@ Bravo25:

The display would have to support that. Many newer plasmas or lcds have a side by side display option but the resolution would be so low. I don't know why you would want to do that but hey it's possible.
I've never tried it, but could you do one monitor on each video card, and then use the motherboards on-board video (if it has it) to run a 3rd monitor?
