Terralux and Malkoff runtime?


Newly Enlightened
Dec 10, 2004
have not found the exact number but i'm assuming that the terralux will have a longer runtime in either a 2D or 4D maglite than the malkoff.


I am not sure about the difference in runtime betwwen the two. I use my Malkoff 3D (original version...not drop in) all the time and I have to say that I am VERY satisfied with both the runtime and the output of the Malkoff. I have found that I get between 3 and 4 hours of solid output with about an hour of slightly diminishing light. I have yet to ever let it go any further without changing to fresh Alkaline cells. I am sure the Terralux is a nice product but I love my Malkoff.
I am not sure about the difference in runtime betwwen the two. I use my Malkoff 3D (original version...not drop in) all the time and I have to say that I am VERY satisfied with both the runtime and the output of the Malkoff. I have found that I get between 3 and 4 hours of solid output with about an hour of slightly diminishing light. I have yet to ever let it go any further without changing to fresh Alkaline cells. I am sure the Terralux is a nice product but I love my Malkoff.

Are you sure it isn't more run-time than that? We're talking about a 3D size mag right?
Are you sure it isn't more run-time than that? We're talking about a 3D size mag right?

Yes...3D. I do a lot of nightime exploring so once its on I dont switch it off except to change batteries. I usually go through two sets of R@yocrap Alkalines in an 8 to 10 hour adventure. Like I stated above it has great regulation for around 4 hours non stop, but I have never bothered to see how long it will go before it dies. It could be that leaving it on so long taxes the heck out of those cheapo cells, but the output is pretty amazing.

I do have a TLE-6EX drop in for my 4 cell. I really never use it because the output is pretty wimpy next to my Malkoff. Maybe I should take it out and test the runtime one of these days.
have not found the exact number but i'm assuming that the terralux will have a longer runtime in either a 2D or 4D maglite than the malkoff.


I'd say so. The terralux drop-ins isn't being pushed as hard as the malkoff. Here's a review of the terralux drop-ins for 2-3 cell and 3-6 cell maglites. I can't say that they're accurate for the current terralux drop-ins, but I think they should give you a good idea of what kind of runtime to expect.
3D with the current Malkoff drop in.

Duracell Copper Top Alkaline - based on first reading at about 1 min.

80% @ 1 hr
70% @ 3 hr
60% @ 6 hr

thanks for the replies.

regulated runtime.

i just put a terralux in my 4D mag and so far have been impressed. debating now whether to go with a second terralux in my 2D, or the malkoff.

3 to 4 hours of runtime would be plenty but seems like it would be less than that in a 2D.
3D with the current Malkoff drop in.

Duracell Copper Top Alkaline - based on first reading at about 1 min.

80% @ 1 hr
70% @ 3 hr
60% @ 6 hr


Hmmm, Has anyone else performed runtimes on their Malkoff. This doesn't jive with my personal results. Although, for obvious reasons, my results wouldn't be deemed objective.

new to runtimes - just received an ExTech 401036 - I think my method is sound and is similar to that used on Flashlightreviews.com using a milk carton integrator and 10 min sample intervals.

sent the data and files to Gene for him to look at -

currently having some problems getting the graphs translated and and stored with my ISP so I can post the graphs to the web - the graph does show regulation at work - just not flat like I was expecting -

get chev to do a runtime , thats his specialty :twothumbs
Malkoff drop ins drive the LED at 1 amp and the Terralux modules drive the LED at around 550 milliamps. You can extrapolate that to relative battery life with modest correction for relative efficiency of the two units.

The Terralux is a decent buy but the Malkoff is superior in several respects including output, as it should be for the price (I have multiple examples of both). And its runtime is more than adequate for most normal uses. The 1 amp draw can be problematic in teeny lights powered by teeny batteries, both for runtime and heat but not in a mag host (The Malkoff is better heat sinked than a Terralux, also).

Ooops, did do a gaff. I was puzzling over the graphs you emailed me (which I very much appreciate), when it dawned on me. Gene you idiot, you're thinking of the driver in the original mag mods. The downsizing to fit in the dropin uses a different driver, not flat regulation, like the original mods were. So my apologies and yes I do think this jives with the current setup. Please post the graphs.

I have both, the Malkoff D cell dropin and a TerraLux TLE-6EX. I run them both using AW's 3300mah protected C cells. The Malkoff draws 1.5A and the TLE-6EX draws 340ma.

And yes, it's the TLE-6EX (not the TLE-6EXB) I'm running with "3 cells" (1 Li-Ion), which is marketed for use with 4 to 6 cells. Running a TLE-6EX on 4 to 6 cells eventually leads to overheating and severe color shift. Running it on 3 cells still allows full brightness and 100 degree (F) cooler operation.

Here is the link which provides a tremendous amount of technical analysis on the TLE-6EX:


Make careful note of the graphs provided, and you'll see the TLE-6EX is much better off running at a nominal 3.6v. I've run mine for 1 hour continous, with it wrapped in a heavy towel, and I could still keep my fingers on the heatsink. No way I could do that if it was at 240 degrees.
Ooops, did do a gaff. I was puzzling over the graphs you emailed me (which I very much appreciate), when it dawned on me. Gene you idiot, you're thinking of the driver in the original mag mods. The downsizing to fit in the dropin uses a different driver, not flat regulation, like the original mods were. So my apologies and yes I do think this jives with the current setup. Please post the graphs.


So Gene, you do concur with saildudes numbers then? Because those numbers looke pretty good as far as I'm concerned. :)
This is the runtime graph I came up with
Malkoff D LED DropIn - Copper
Mag 3D Host - 3-D Duracell Coppertop Alkaline Cells - fresh
ExTech 401036 DataLogging Meter
Foil covered 1/2 gallon milk box similar to Flashlightreviews.com
Sample interval 10 min
Methodology - Warm up meter - Put light on box & turn on - start recording at about 20 seconds of on time for light -

Hope this helps - sorry about the rough graph - still getting used to the shuffle for posting on the web -


Interesting chart. I'd love to see one done with NiMH cells ($$) to see if the difference is as dramatic as the AA cells in Fenix runtimes.
I would suspect a flatter graph with NIMH, as the draw should not pull down the voltage as much as with alkalines. Would be interesting to see.