Test/review of Yucel Y12-6L 6V 12Ah (Lead-Acid PB)


Mar 26, 2008
Copenhagen, Denmark
[size=+3]Yucel Y12-6L 6V 12Ah (Lead-Acid PB)[/size]


Official specifications:
  • Nominal voltage: 6V
  • Cells: 3
  • Capacity: 12Ah discharge over 20 hour to 1.75V/cell (5.25V)
  • Capacity: 11.12Ah discharge over 10 hour to 1.75V/cell (5.25V)
  • Size: 151 x 51 x 94 mm
  • Weight: 1.95kG
  • Operating temperature: Storage: -20°C ~60°C, Charge: -15°C ~50°C, Discharge: -20°C ~ 60°C
  • Capacity loss per month at 20°C: 3%
  • Float charge voltage at 20°C: 6.825V temperature compensation -3mV/cell/°C
  • Boost charge voltage at 20°C: 7.26V temperature compensation -4mV/cell/°C
  • Float charge current limit: No limit
  • Boost charge current limit: 3A
  • Maximum discharge current for 1 minute: 75A







The capacity of lead acid is very depend on load.


The battery rating says it must work for 20 hours at 0.6A discharge and 10 hours at 1.112A discharge, this looks to about match the performance of the battery.





I did not try any real high current test, only a load sweep up to 15A and the voltage looks fairly stable.


Charging algorithm is basically the same as LiIon, but with other voltage levels.


It was interesting to test a PB battery and see how the discharge and charge curve looks

[size=+3]Notes and links[/size]

I was asked if I could test a lead acid battery and because I had a idle test station I agreed to do it. I do not have more more lead acid batteries planned.
I looks like Yucel uses more than one manufacturer for their batteries, I got batteries with different types and place of markings. The two shown here is with the same marking, but the others is not very different.

How is the test done and how to read the charts
Thanks HKJ! Pretty much the expected behavior.

Anyone duplicating this test with new batts, will see capacity increase over the first 5 cycles or so as the plates get additional formatting. Then a plateu, and the long gradual drop just from usage.

CC/CV notes: For those employing the typical cc/cv charger that goes into boost, and then into float mode, note that upon reaching float mode, you are NOT done charging. It takes about 8 hours of float to actually finish the last 1% of charge.

If you don't allow for this, or do this on a reasonable basis when cycling, then the capacity will be "walked" down, as that last 1% hard-sulfates. Over and over. So be sure to get at least 8 hours of float in as much as possible to keep the batt healthy, even though the current is very tiny, and mind-numbingly long to reach.

No matter what you do, this last step takes time and can't be rushed under normal conditions.