Budget lights have their place.
But there's a difference between a low price and actual value for the dollar. You can get a new car for a very low price. But that's not the same thing as value for your dollar. If the car has no radio, no air-conditioning, hand-crank windows, manual tranny, thin-fabric seats, no power options . . . then what did you get? You got a cheap car for very little money. Perhaps you even bought one that was last year's model, sat on the dealer's lot for months, and you got stuck with whatever color it happened to be.
Some folks are fine with something like that. But real value would be spending just a bit more and getting something that you can realistically live with. If you spend only a bit more, and you get a top-of-the-line car radio, A/C, power windows, power door locks, remote keyless entry, alarm, automatic transmission w/ overdrive, better seat fabrics, a center console, lock on your glove-box, a longer warranty . . . Now that's value!
Same with lights, only overall quality tends to be the main sticking point.
I recently bought three Streamlight Stylus Pros. One for me, and two for close friends. They're not flashaholics. I wanted an extra penlight that I could take on board planes, and a light that I knew I shared with close friends. They'll enjoy the lights. And for only $20 each, buying three didn't make my wallet cry out in pain. Plus, it's a model that won't fall apart if dropped or used as an EDC light.
I also own a Maratac AAA light. Once again, quality light without being expensive. Cheap is fine. Cheap & crappy, isn't.