The Benefits of a Malkoff Drop-In - Reliability?

Jan 30, 2009
Let's hope this thread doesn't get me crucified. This is about Malkoff drop-ins and the benefits of owning one.

It takes me a long time to make a decision when it comes to shelling out money for something. That's why it took me months just to buy my first Fenix.

I've been told time and time again about the Malkoff drop-ins and have been seriously considering one of his floody M60 versions.

As some of you know, I am sort of a Solarforce supporter recently and am quite happy with my Solarforce L2's. I had been "this close" to buying the Malkoff flood after recommendations here until I saw a video on Youtube showing the Solarforce L2 single mode and comparing it with a Malkoff drop in.

To be honest, I thought the output and spill of the Solarforce standard R2 module was comparable, even superior to the Malkoff. No, I am not trying to become the most hated guy on CPF with that statement and realize that comment might not sit well with some people. I just honestly could not see what the difference about the Malkoff was. (not talking about the Maglite superlights by the way, these were just Surefire drop-in comparisons).

So I read through the Malkoff FAQ and searched the forum and realize that the benefits seem to be in the production, heatsinking and overall quality of the product. Am I correct in this assumption? Because I didn't get much wow out of the comparison shots I saw on Youtube. So I'm trying to justify a $55 to $125 purchase of a drop-in and having trouble with it.

I just want to make sure what I'm buying here. I'm not buying better output or even runtime...I am buying something that won't burn out on me while I'm hiking in some cave somewhere. That's where my money is going, am I correct?

I'm basically teetering on pushing the "ADD TO CART" button at the Malkoff website, going back and forth with it. I keep telling myself, "is it really going to be that big of a difference between the standard Solarforce L2/R2 drop in?." I guess if I'm not wow'd, I can just sell it right?

Keep in mind, I'm the same guy that was disappointed in the Fenix E01. So it takes a lot to knock my socks off and say, "Wow, this was really worth 50 bucks or 100 bucks."

I hope at least a few of you can understand where I'm coming from.
So.. what exactly are you asking for? You've read the reviews, seen the youtube vids, MrGman has his sticky with actual Lumen measurements.

What is it that you are looking for from the community?... from your P60 drop in?

If its reassurance you are looking for,... Hmmm I don't know if it would be right to try and speculate yes or no on what you will find to be a good value.


For ME... I like the Malkoff modules overall. I admire their output, beam quality, build heft, company support, Surefire compatibility, reliability, thermal cooling, and warm tint. However given my preferences they do not offer good value because I seldomly need 200+ Lumens all the time so I look for modules with low output modes.

The only performance criteria you list in your post is flood and side emitted lumens. Don't let those youtube vids fool you, the malkoff M60/30F modules blow away any XR-E reflector design in terms of side emitted lumens. If its a wall of light you are looking for, don't waste your time and $$$ on anything BUT a Malkoff.

I hope this helps...:eek:

An equally good solution is a non-flood malkoff paired with a surefire diffuser, assuming that they make one thats Solarforce compatible.
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A malkoff will have a longer service life, better heat sinking, a great warranty, tint choice, higher resale value, the actual maker is only a phone call away, you can get lower outputs for longer runtime if you want, and there is no reflector to ruin with fingerprints.
Plus all of his modules visit the Pope before shipping and are individually blessed. ;)
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So.. what exactly are you asking for?

What is it that you are looking for from the community?... quote]

For somebody to hold my hand and tell me everything is going to be okay? :huh:

Just joking. I guess what I was looking for was a consensus from "budget minded" individuals telling me that the Malkoff is the best thing since sliced bread. I guess I was excited to get one before I saw the Youtube videos. They did not impress me that much. Before then, I was ready to buy sight unseen. After seeing the videos, I'm having second thoughts that it will blow away what I already have.

I'm just worried that it will be 50 to 100 dollars better spent elsewhere. Thanks for your feedback though.

I think I was just wondering if there were other members who were also hesitant like myself at first but after buying, are totally happy with their purchase and think it's worth whatever price they paid for it.

Is there anybody not happy?
I have Solarforce R2 and Malkoff M60 drop-ins. M60 has better heatsink (brass body) and warmer smoother beam, R2 has a brighter and whiter hotspot.
No one can give you assurance if any product will fail on you at any given time. Faults happen even to the best of brands. That's what back-ups are for.
If you're uncomfortable in getting Malkoff, I suggest you forget about it. You'll get it when your curiosity got the best of you. :p And yes, if you don't like it, you could sell it off in MP. :D
Plus all of his modules visit the Pope before shipping and are individually blessed. ;)

:crackup::crackup::crackup::crackup: Nice one.

+1 on the Malkoffs and everything said so far about 'em - do it!

If you don't like it you'll make most of your $$ back on Marketplace.

If you buy the Solarforce you will just be wondering what the Malkoff was like...
I have Solarforce R2 and Malkoff M60 drop-ins. M60 has better heatsink (brass body) and warmer smoother beam, R2 has a brighter and whiter hotspot.
No one can give you assurance if any product will fail on you at any given time. Faults happen even to the best of brands. That's what back-ups are for.
If you're uncomfortable in getting Malkoff, I suggest you forget about it. You'll get it when your curiosity got the best of you. :p And yes, if you don't like it, you could sell it off in MP. :D

Thanks. Wasn't worried about too much with the failure. Just wondering what I was paying an extra 50 to 100 bucks for.

I'll give you an example.

Say there was a Pepsi and a Coke for sale. You wanted a great soft drink at a reasonable price. The Pepsi was being touted as "the best soft drink ever." People said, "you won't be disappointed, it's so delicious." The problem is, that Pepsi had a cost of $10 a can, whereas Coke was only 50 cents a can.

You'd probably be thinking, "the differences between Coke and Pepsi are so insignificant, maybe just sticking to Coke would be my best bet."

After seeing the beamshots on Youtube looking remarkably similar to my existing Solarforce L2. Just didn't see a justification for shelling out the extra bucks. I thought somebody would come in here and say, "Well the pope blesses every light before it goes out."

Lucky someone did say that. Because otherwise, I am not seeing the benefit. However, now if you tell me the things can be dropped from a 40 story building and not shatter... then maybe I can see why the drop in would be worth 5 to 10 times the price of a regular drop in.
I agree with Zeruel. Since you already happy with the L2, for the money, I would get another one (or two, or three) as backups.
:crackup::crackup::crackup::crackup: Nice one.

+1 on the Malkoffs and everything said so far about 'em - do it!

If you don't like it you'll make most of your $$ back on Marketplace.

If you buy the Solarforce you will just be wondering what the Malkoff was like...

Tell you what. I am going to buy this drop-in. But this bad boy better set trees on fire and be visible from space....;)

Joking. I will get the drop-in. I think that when I get it, I will do a comparison between it and my other Solarforce single output, then post in the reviews section. At least it will contribute to my first review and if I'm not thoroughly blown away by it, I'll just sell it in the marketplace...:D
Thanks. Wasn't worried about too much with the failure. Just wondering what I was paying an extra 50 to 100 bucks for.

I'll give you an example.

Say there was a Pepsi and a Coke for sale. You wanted a great soft drink at a reasonable price. The Pepsi was being touted as "the best soft drink ever." People said, "you won't be disappointed, it's so delicious." The problem is, that Pepsi had a cost of $10 a can, whereas Coke was only 50 cents a can.

You'd probably be thinking, "the differences between Coke and Pepsi are so insignificant, maybe just sticking to Coke would be my best bet."

After seeing the beamshots on Youtube looking remarkably similar to my existing Solarforce L2. Just didn't see a justification for shelling out the extra bucks. I thought somebody would come in here and say, "Well the pope blesses every light before it goes out."

Lucky someone did say that. Because otherwise, I am not seeing the benefit. However, now if you tell me the things can be dropped from a 40 story building and not shatter... then maybe I can see why the drop in would be worth 5 to 10 times the price of a regular drop in.

SGT Led has cited the qualities of Malkoff drop-ins. If that doesn't convince you, I really think you should not get it unless you get to do a comparison in person. I always take videos with a pinch of salt since they're always auto exposure and color compensated.

About the soft drink metaphor. That's easy. COKE of course. :huh: Not because of price, but because of a greater thirst-quenching satisfaction it gives me. Pepsi is just..... not as gassy. :p And that's also because I have drank both and say it based on my own experience and preference. Would your taste be different? Only you can tell...

Btw, what made you decide to get Solarforce? Based on the recommendations or you get to test it in person? If it's the former, likewise you can apply for Malkoff. I didn't come across any negative things about Malkoff so far (but then I didn't search for it). In the event if most of us are wrong, you could sell it to Sgt Led :p
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Dont know what its worth but I bought my L2M R2 then purchased the M30WF to go in it. I turned the R2 on for, ohh, say 10 seconds. It was nice it was bright didnt even have a horrible beam. It was nice. Put my M30WF in it... It was nowhere near as bright to my eyes. But guess what it has a permenant home in my L2M where as my R2 drop-in is in my flashlight toolbox.

My reasoning? The Solarforce R2 is built alot like the Surefire modules which I would trust just as much as a Malkoff. The Malkoff is just a much bulkier setup that makes for "perfect" heatsinking. It has the wide beam (Bought it as my official bump in the night light to chill on my dresser) And is my first light with a truly warm emmitter and its hard to explain but the warm light does kinda draw you in :candle:
And the wonderful customer service doesnt hurt either :nana: Ive got 2 Surefire dropins one Mag dropin and an MD2 and plan to purchase another Surefire dropin soon. I live at home and I currently make $7.25 an hour and work as much overtime and sidejobs as possible... Do I count for the "budget" crowd opinion? lol

And you never mentioned what you were really looking at? MC-E M60 M30? Do you have any warm LED's yet? Why not try a W?
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Some other drop ins cost a little less than the Malkoffs and can even outperform an M60 in certain respects. The BOG Super Premium is one example that has better throw than the M60. M60 is almost as good for throw and it's a little better for spill. The two biggest differences I've enjoyed practical benefits from are these, the M60 will fit in hosts some other drop ins won't and the M60 is much more durable.
The most likely candidate for purchase is going to be the M60F or M60WF.

The runtime is a bit disconcerting, but I guess I could go with the low output models but then I won't be getting that wall of light. So it's going to be a trade off no matter which one I go for.
You can only gain so much from internet reviews, beamshots, etc. To truly see what the Malkoff drop-in is all about you need to get one. Get it from Gene or keep an eye on cpfmp. If you are not satisifed, put it on the marketplace.
Just joking. I guess what I was looking for was a consensus from "budget minded" individuals telling me that the Malkoff is the best thing since sliced bread. I guess I was excited to get one before I saw the Youtube videos. They did not impress me that much. Before then, I was ready to buy sight unseen. After seeing the videos, I'm having second thoughts that it will blow away what I already have.

I'm just worried that it will be 50 to 100 dollars better spent elsewhere. Thanks for your feedback though.

OK.. from your first post the only desired criteria you list is flood. if that is all you are looking for then CERTAINLY the Malkoff XR-E flood modules are the BEST there is (IMHO).

A second would be a Malkoff M30/60 with a surefire beamshaper diffuser. That will give you the option to turn the flood on or off.

I can't guarantee they are the best thing since sliced bread... because I don't know what defines that criteria (in terms of Lumen/lux/run time).
Joking. I will get the drop-in. I think that when I get it, I will do a comparison between it and my other Solarforce single output, then post in the reviews section. At least it will contribute to my first review and if I'm not thoroughly blown away by it, I'll just sell it in the marketplace...:D

The feature that first drew me into the Malkoff camp was the beam pattern of the Flood drop-ins. Very smooth and even, not much for throw but I wasn't looking for that. Then I bought a couple of the Warm drop-ins, with color rendering you seldom get with production lights. I've since sold almost all my "blue" lights and standardized on Malkoff Warm drop-ins. Thr Warm Low Flood is my favorite, great color, good runtime, and great service from Gene and company. You won't know unless you try one.